Heart attack does not happen only because of bad diet and lifestyle, this is also a big reason

How To Prevent Heart Attack: Many myths about heart health are also heard in the discussion of our daily life. For example, problems related to heart start after the age of 40-50. There is nothing to worry about in Young Age! Once upon a time this thing used to be true but now it is … Read more

Heart Disease: IIT researchers discovered such a cardiac protein… Damage will make the heart fit

Heart Attack Symptoms: Relieving news has come to the fore regarding the treatment of the heart. Till now, the chances of recovery from heart damage were very less. The treatment is so expensive that the common man cannot afford it. Now the team of Biosciences and Bioengineering Department of IIT Guwahati has developed the Recombinant … Read more

Cases of death due to heart attack increased in the year 2022, be careful with these heart hazards in the new year

Heart Attack: December is underway. After a few days, we will enter the new year in January 2023. In terms of health, Kovid has not been so effective this year. The knock of many new viruses definitely forced people to fear. That’s where the biggest danger emerged. He had cardiac arrest and heart attack. Many … Read more

Women can avoid heart attack if they recognize these 12 symptoms

Heart Problem: Heart disease is a disease related to lifestyle. Diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity start arising due to bad lifestyle. Their direct link is related to the heart. The heart gives many indications before a heart attack occurs. Dil tries to tell that he is having trouble. If they are recognized in time, then … Read more

This is a matter of the heart! If these are the problems then don’t forget to exercise

Heart Problem: The risk of developing heart diseases is high due to poor lifestyle. To improve life, celebrities or common people turn to the gym. But if the heart stops working in the gym itself, then there is a need to be alert. In the last two years, he died of a heart attack while … Read more

Defective protein is the root of this disease, can give a shock to the heart

Heart Problem: Due to poor lifestyle, diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity are taking place at home. Heart disease is also closely related to these. Famous comedian with heart attack in last two years Raju Srivastava Including many celebrities have lost their lives. But is lifestyle alone responsible for weakening the heart or for … Read more

Sweating has a connection to Heart Attack, need to be alerted immediately

Heart Problem: Changing lifestyle is taking many diseases in its grip. Hypertension and blood pressure are one of these diseases. Apart from this, heart disease also happens due to bad lifestyle. If there is any problem in the heart, it gives an indication. Such as chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue are included. Apart from … Read more

Because of this one reason, most of the people of the country are getting heart attack, you will be surprised to know.

Heart Attack: The risk of heart diseases has increased due to changing lifestyle. Due to lifestyle, diseases like diabetes and hypertension are at home. Along with this, the risk of heart diseases also increases. Heart attack cases have increased rapidly in India in the last few years. If we talk about the last 2 years, … Read more