The news of death due to heart attack has been scary all year, many big celebrities have lost their lives

The news of death due to heart attack has been scary all year, many big celebrities have lost their lives

End of year 2024: The risk of heart disease is increasing rapidly. Every year, a large number of people lose their lives due to heart disease. According to the World Heart Federation, more than 2 million people die from heart problems worldwide. According to this, every 1.5 seconds a person dies due to heart disease. … Read more

Diseases like heart attack, blood pressure will not even affect you, just do these things on weekends.

Diseases like heart attack, blood pressure will not even affect you, just do these things on weekends.

Tips to reduce the risk of heart attack : In the hustle and bustle of the week, neither sleep is complete nor the body rests, hence the risk of diseases increases. This is where the heart suffers the most. Due to lack of sleep, the risk of blood pressure, cholesterol and heart attack can increase … Read more

There are three reasons responsible for sudden cardiac arrest, guess what

There are three reasons responsible for sudden cardiac arrest, guess what

Causes of Heart Attack : Cardiac arrest is a sudden attack. If this is not taken care of, the chances of survival are very low. Something similar happened with Ankit Kalra, husband of social media influencer Insha Ghai. 29-year-old Ankit died of cardiac arrest. The most surprising thing is that Ankit Kalra did not have … Read more

You won’t suffer a heart attack if you know these important things.

You won’t suffer a heart attack if you know these important things.

Heart attack : The increasing risk of heart attack is like a warning to everyone. Poor lifestyle and bad eating habits increase the risk among young people. It is a deadly condition. Even a little negligence can prove costly. Cardiologists say that if one has correct information about his heart, he can avoid a heart … Read more