Virus: This virus made America’s condition worse, people all over the world upset

Virus: This virus made America’s condition worse, people all over the world upset

The outbreak of monkeypox virus in India was not that much, but the superpower America has made the situation very bad, although the good thing is that the cases have started decreasing in the country. The reason behind this is to have more supply of monkey virus vaccine. Federal health officials say that the supply … Read more

World Alzheimer’s Day 2022: The number of Alzheimer’s patients has increased since Corona, know the symptoms

World Alzheimer’s Day 2022: The number of Alzheimer’s patients has increased since Corona, know the symptoms

Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s DiseaseSince Corona (Covid-19), the number of Alzheimer’s patients is increasing. So far their number in India has exceeded 60 lakhs. The biggest thing is that patients who have been cured of corona who have this disease do not know that they are victims of Alzheimer’s. In fact, in the two years … Read more

Where do most people commit suicide in the world? shocking facts

Where do most people commit suicide in the world?  shocking facts

World Suicide Prevention Day 2022: In the haste to earn name, money and fame, nowadays every other person is struggling with problems like mental stress. People’s tolerance is fast getting lost, incidents like beatings, murders and suicides are increasing over small things. Even the slightest failure starts falling apart and people are putting their lives … Read more

‘Children should not have smartphones’: The battle to get kids active and fit

‘Children should not have smartphones’: The battle to get kids active and fit

Children’s fitness and activity levels have declined around the world. Photo / 123RF Children today are less fit than previous generations, which will serve them no purpose as adults in a warmer world. By Nicky Pellegrino The heat wave that has persisted throughout the European summer has exacted a price on people’s health. Extreme heat … Read more

Princes William, Harry continue Diana’s work on mental health, conservation

Princes William, Harry continue Diana’s work on mental health, conservation

1/7 <img style="width: 100%;" width="800" height="531" src="" title="Veinticinco años después de la muerte de su madre, los príncipes William y Harry continúan lidiando con la tragedia y manteniendo su legado. Foto de archivo de Hugo Philpott/UPI | license photo” alt=”Twenty-five years after their mother’s death, Princes William and Harry continue to deal with the tragedy … Read more

Monkeypox cases are increasing all over the world including India, know 15 must-know things about this disease

Monkeypox cases are increasing all over the world including India, know 15 must-know things about this disease

What Is Monkeypox Spread: The cases of monkeypox virus are increasing worldwide. This is a mild chicken pox-like disease. This virus was first found in monkeys during a research in 1958. That’s why it was named Monkeypox. Although it is not yet known from where this virus came in monkeys, but from monkeys this virus … Read more

On World Breastfeeding Week, know the benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby

On World Breastfeeding Week, know the benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby

World Breastfeeding Week: The first week of August is celebrated every year as World Breastfeeding Week. The purpose of this week, celebrated all over the world, is to make people especially women aware of breastfeeding. This is a world class annual campaign. This World Week of Breastfeeding was founded by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding … Read more

Genotoxic carcinogens found in 60pc of cooking oil samples: consumer watchdog

Genotoxic carcinogens found in 60pc of cooking oil samples: consumer watchdog

Oil is an essential ingredient for cooking. According to a recent Consumer Council test on 50 cooking oil samples, 94% were found to contain 1 or more types of harmful contaminants. 29 samples were detected with the genotoxic carcinogen glycidol, 2 of which even exceeded the European Union standard. The Council obtained 50 … Read more