Due to these wrong habits of daily, we invite joint pain, leave it from today itself.

Health Tips:Joint pain is troubling every young man these days, although earlier it was seen in old people. Because the body often becomes weak in old age, it is inevitable to have joint pain, but these days joint pain is at its peak even in youth. The reason for this is some wrong habits. In … Read more

Is it right or wrong to sleep while listening to songs? know today

Music While SleepingEveryone likes to listen to music and it has many benefits too. At present, efforts are also being made to provide alternative treatment to the patients through music therapy. Many people like to listen to soft music before sleeping. For some people, this becomes a habit, only after which they are able to … Read more

If the body posture has deteriorated due to sitting in the wrong way, it will be cured by this yoga, it is also easy to do

Body Posture: If the body posture has deteriorated due to sitting in the wrong way, then this yoga will cure it, it is also easy to do. Source link

Do you also eat paracetamol in a wrong way, know these special things, otherwise you will be upset

Right Use Of Paracetamol: Paracetamol is such a medicine that you will find in most of the houses in India. If anyone in the house has cold, flu or fever, then we think it appropriate to give paracetamol to him before showing him to the Indian doctor. But do we do it right? The bigger … Read more

Doing squats in the wrong way can be heavy

Squats: Squats are much more than a butt workout. There can be no better exercise than this to lose weight. John Pagano, a resident of New York, who is a gym trainer and ‘physiologist’ by profession, says that if you are really thinking of losing weight, then there can be no better exercise than squats. … Read more

Not cold water after delivery, but because of drinking water in the wrong way, the stomach comes out

Health Tips: Cold water should not be drunk after C-section or normal delivery. You must have often heard this saying to the elders of the house. Many times it is also said that whenever you drink water, drink hot water, otherwise cold water drains the stomach. Now the question is whether drinking cold water after … Read more

Recognize by these 3 symptoms, liver is going wrong

LIver Damage: Liver is an important part of the body. It works to control the chemicals present in the blood. The liver makes a substance called bile to remove the waste products present in it. It makes essential proteins for the body. Apart from this, iron works to store and convert nutrients into energy. If … Read more

Green tea is full of properties, but drinking it at the wrong time can cause harm

Green Tea: Whether it is to lose weight or to bring glow on the skin, green tea is very helpful in removing every little problem. Especially to reduce weight, health experts recommend consuming green tea. But do you know what is the right time to drink green tea? If you consume green tea at the … Read more