There will be no digestion problem in the family, eat these things in dinner

What To Eat In Dinner: Your sleep and stomach health depends more on what you have eaten for dinner. Because if you eat such food which can disturb digestion, then there will be problem in clearing the stomach in the morning (constipation) or loose motion may occur. Whereas due to not choosing the right food, sleep can also be broken again and again at night. Therefore, in terms of health, it becomes very important that you choose your dinner very carefully. Here are the food options that you can include in your dinner and keep the whole family healthy…

These qualities should be in the dinner

  • Your dinner should be very light and digestible i.e. which can be easily digested.
  • There should be no heaviness in stomach after having dinner so that you can sleep well.
  • Dinner should not be gas producing. This can lead to stomach pain while sleeping and may also cause insomnia.
  • Dinner should not be too spicy. Otherwise, there may be a problem of dehydration and there may be frequent thirst at night.

What to eat for dinner?

Choose such things in the dinner, which are easily digested and to make them more digestible, you must use mild spices and desi ghee prepared from cow’s milk. What are the things you can eat for dinner, know here…

  • Vegetable tikki with mint chutney. You can use flour made from oats or gram flour to bind the vegetables while making this tikki.
  • Khichdi prepared by mixing several pulses
  • Moong Dal Khichdi
  • Moong-lentil dal and chapati
  • Urad dal and chapati made from cumin and asafoetida
  • Roasted vegetables, using black salt with coriander powder, mint powder and green cardamom powder.
  • green bean soup
  • Soup prepared by mixing different types of pulses. Add ghee and mild spices to it and drink it.
  • Barley Soup. Leaves like curry leaves, broccoli and celery can be used in this. It is also a healthy diet for weight loss.
  • Corned rice (rice prepared with excess water) chutney prepared from coconut, mint or coriander leaves with moong dhuli dal.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

Read also: These things will be eaten in the morning, recharge will remain throughout the day, energy will remain

Read also: This is why the stomach of the youth remains bad, see if there is this mess in your diet

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