These food combinations will not reduce the weight, it will only increase, you should also know

Weight Loss Tips: We often overlook common mistakes and keep wondering why the weight loss plan is not working. Losing weight is a herculean task and it becomes more difficult when we try hard but are not successful. We all are aware of the negative effects of gaining weight. From cardiovascular risk to fatty liver conditions, being overweight is a cause of almost every health hazard. There are many ways available to lose weight, but many people fail to lose weight. In this article we will discuss some weight loss mistakes that you might be making and advise you to correct them.

breakfast with tea

Tea is an important part of our life. Many of us can even think of starting the day without tea. It is common in many homes to serve tea with breakfast. However, scientifically it has negative effects on the body. Tea contains tannins and caffeine which when combined with food can affect the absorption of iron. This can also lead to acidity and bloating.

milk drink with banana

Many people consume milk along with bananas. Although both of them are highly nutritious, but consuming them together can lead to weight gain. If you want to consume them together, then take them at an interval of 20-30 minutes.

eating sweets immediately after a meal

We can’t imagine leaving the dinner table without a scoop of our favorite dessert. This puts unnecessary burden on the heart. While your stomach is already full of food, loading it with sweets will make it more stressed. If you really want to eat sweets, have it after a few minutes.

roti and rice are eaten together

  Ideas for Quick and Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Both roti and rice have a high glycemic index or GI index. Taking these two together in food will increase your starch intake. This can cause indigestion, bloating.

too much protein in one meal

Most of us understand that losing weight is possible only when you have a lot of protein. But the fact is that you should take only that much protein which the body can digest properly. Consuming a lot of protein at once will put extra burden on the stomach to digest it.

How to eat for weight loss?

For weight loss, a balanced diet containing carbohydrates, fats and proteins should always be taken. Don’t skip carbs from your diet; These are energy giving foods. Do not completely eliminate fat from your diet but limit its use. Protein should be taken in moderation as these foods are difficult to digest. If you have any health issues, it is advised to consult a doctor before starting any diet.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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