These foods keep your digestion right and these food items can spoil your digestion

Best And Worst Food Items For Digestion :

Our busy lifestyle is harming our health the most. In the run-of-the-mill life, people are neither able to eat food on time nor are they able to take the right diet. This is the reason why the problem of stomach ache is often troubling. Although there are many reasons behind this, but spicy food outside, fast food and deteriorating lifestyle are some of the main reasons that are spoiling your digestion. Actually, due to carelessness in food and wrong habits of routine, food is not digested properly and this becomes the reason for stomach and gas formation. So if you want to keep your digestion better then improve your lifestyle. Along with this, make a list today that includes those food items which improve your digestion and exclude those things from the diet which are spoiling the digestion.

These foods are best for digestion

fermented food

Foods like curd, idli, kimchi, and cheese are beneficial for your intestinal health. These food items contain probiotics, which help protect gut health from harmful bacteria. Eating fermented food has many health benefits, including gas and bloating.

Whole grains

Whole wheat, oats, barley, brown rice, quinoa and popcorn are great examples of whole grains. It also contains prebiotics which are food for healthy bacteria. Digestive problems end by consuming them.


Fruits are a storehouse of nutrients. Especially apple, pear, banana, raspberry and papaya are good for your stomach. Fruits are loaded with fibre, vitamins and minerals which help in digestion.

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green tea

Mint, ginger, fennel and chamomile are some of the teas that help in solving digestive problems. Drinking hot tea after meals provides relief from many digestive problems like flatulence, gas, and heartburn.

These foods are harmful for digestion

fried food

Fried food gives rise to many digestive problems. It is also low in fiber and causes diarrhea. Eating fried food for a long time can cause intestinal problems.

processed food

The amount of fiber in processed food is less and sugar preservatives are more. Due to these things, you may have constipation and other digestive problems.

artificial sweetener

There are many artificial sweeteners available in the market which are recommended for diabetic patients. However, excessive consumption of these can cause problems like cramps and diarrhoea.


Alcohol slows down your digestion system due to which acid is not produced in the body. When acid is not produced in the body, then stomach problems start happening.

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