Tired of having a good and sound sleep? Try the 4-7-8 Formula

What Is 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise: It is necessary to sleep for 7-8 hours to stay fit. If sleep is not good, then experts suggest many ways for sound sleep, one of which is 4-7-8 formula. Actually it is a breathing exercise that can be done when you do not sleep or wake up at night and according to experts is very effective.

What is the 4-7-8 Formula?
If you are not able to sleep, then lie down on the bed and first count to 4 and take a deep breath. After this count till 7 and till then hold the breath inside. After that exhale and count to 8. In simple words, while counting up to 4, breathe in, hold the breath till the count of 7 and exhale till the count of 8.

How the 4-7-8 Formula Works
This is a very effective breathing technique that relaxes the body. According to sleep experts, this reduces the heart rate slightly, due to which the working sensation ie the mind is calm. This breathing exercise can be done while sleeping. Even if you wake up at night, you can try this technique to relax the body and go back to sleep. -8 is used in the form of the formula.

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Other easy ways to get sleep
1- First of all keep the time of sleeping and waking up almost fixed
2- Always sleep well in a little cold from normal temperature
3- Read any book of your choice instead of looking at the phone at night
4- Wash your hands and feet with cold water in summer and warm water in winter and sleep
5- Make a distance from tea-coffee and alcohol 1 hour before sleeping

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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