Health Tips: Unveiling the Surprising Benefits Of Potatoes that Make Them a Must-Have in Your Diet

Benefits of Potatoes

Often people consider potatoes unhealthy and keep them out of their diet. From diabetes to obesity, these 6 benefits of potatoes will surprise you. Know what are the benefits.

Most people count potatoes as an unhealthy vegetable. By eating this there is a risk of obesity and diabetes. However, the reason for considering potatoes unhealthy is the way of eating them. Most people eat potatoes in the form of french fries or chips. Which is completely unhealthy. But if the carbohydrate present in potatoes is consumed properly, it can be beneficial for health. Potatoes have a lot of nutrition and anti-oxidants. Which are beneficial for health.

Potato is full of fiber

If one potato is eaten with peel, then it contains about 5 grams of fiber. Which fulfills 20 percent of the day’s requirement. Eating potatoes keeps the stomach full for a long time. At the same time, it also helps in keeping the bowl movement correct. Due to this, the digestive system is correct and the problem of constipation does not happen. The amount of fiber also helps in maintaining blood sugar.

Beneficial for Gut Health

If you want to keep the health of your intestines right, then eating potatoes can be beneficial. White potatoes contain amylose starch. Which acts as a prebiotic.Which helps in the growth of good bacteria in the intestines. A 2019 Nutrition and Diabetes study found that this starch lowers the blood sugar response and corrects insulin resistance. Along with this, potato also helps in preventing colon cancer. 

Rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps the body fight diseases by strengthening the immunity system. Also protects cells and helps in the formation of collagen. According to the National Institutes of Health, white potatoes are a good source of vitamin C. 

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potatoes also contain a significant amount of potassium minerals. About which very little is talked about. The potassium present in potatoes helps with heart health and muscle function. And also helps in hydrating the body. 

Helps in weight loss

Eating potatoes does not increase weight but decreases it.If boiled potatoes are eaten in limited quantity, they fill the stomach quickly and help in consuming fewer calories. Which helps in reducing weight. 

Does not harm the health of the heart

Many studies have found that eating potatoes has not found any significant evidence of increased risk of heart health, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and hypertension. At the same time, the amount of vitamin B3 and potassium in potato peel helps in maintaining the health of the heart. 

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