What is ‘Personal Space’, and How it Impacts Mental Health? Experts Speak

In today’s time, the idea of ‘personal space’ has growingly increased. GenZ is much more vocal about their needs and this concept significantly impacts our health as well.

What is ‘Personal Space’, and How it Impacts Mental Health? Experts Speak

Mental health is one aspect that is employing more candid conversations, and much-needed ones too.  With GenZ at the helm, there are several concepts, and ideologies that are gaining traction. some for the right reasons and some not so much. Among these, the idea of personal space is something that people are growingly recognising and addressing as well. The term “personal space” might have become more noticeable during the Covid pandemic when we collectively experienced a distinct lack of it. However, the significance of personal space to mental health has always been a widely discussed topic. Indian culture places a strong emphasis on groups and mutual support. While these values contribute to strong relationships, they can overlook the significance of personal space as a critical aspect of mental well-being. Individuals may find it challenging to prioritise their own mental well-being due to societal expectations and family obligations.

“Furthermore, beyond physical personal space, there is also mental personal space that merits consideration. For example, if you feel overwhelmed by constant emails from work, and are unable to “switch off” thoughts about work, that would be considered a lack of mental personal space,” said Sakshi Joshi, Counselling psychologist at Lissun, in an exclusive conversation with India.com

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  • Emotional Well-being: Protecting us from sensory overwhelm, a personal space helps us stay emotionally regulated, and preserve optimum stress levels. It also gives us the space to process our emotions and thoughts – leading to better emotional well-being, and even improved relationships in the long run.
  • Privacy: Research has shown that a perpetual lack of privacy can disrupt one’s sense of security, leading to hypervigilance and constant underlying anxiety (1). Sufficient personal space can counteract these effects, fostering a sense of calm and clarity.
  • Growth: The availability of personal space and moments of solitude enable individuals to connect with themselves, cultivate self-awareness, and build self-confidence. These experiences contribute to an improved sense of self-esteem over time.

How to prioritise personal space?

  • Negotiating boundaries between personal space and societal expectations can help you discover a unique space that works for you, and values both the community and you as an individual
  • Initiating discussions about personal space with your friends and family can introduce the concept and stimulate brainstorming about its implementation within cultural norms.
  • Scheduling some alone time for yourself can allow you to “recharge” your personal space from time to time. Likewise, you can also develop some rituals where you engage with your personal space, like journalling, creative arts, meditation, etc.

The necessity of personal space for one’s psychological well-being is undeniable. By understanding its benefits and embracing strategies to safeguard personal space, individuals can embark on a journey towards improved overall well-being.

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Published Date: September 1, 2023 6:31 PM IST




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