What is Seasonal Affective Disorder? 5 Major Signs to be Watchful of During Season Change

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Symptoms of SAD follow a predictable seasonal pattern, with depressive episodes occurring around the same time each year. Here are 5 signs that people are unaware about and mostly struggle with.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of mood disorder characterized by recurring episodes of depression that typically occur during specific seasons of the year, most commonly in the fall during summers or winters. Although it is more common in winter due to less exposure to sunlight and is also called winter depression or winter blues. However new studies suggest that summer SAD is also rising these days.

The causes of summer SAD are unknown, but one of them is reduced levels of serotonin, a chemical that helps regulate mood. The changes in serotonin could affect a person’s daily circadian rhythms, and they may have trouble adjusting to seasonal changes. However, whether its summer or winter, there is not much difference in the occurrence of symptoms.

 5 Common Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) That People Aren’t Aware of:

  • People affected by SAD may suffer from insomnia. During winters, our body is very less exposed to sunlight. This can have a direct impact on the circadian clock causing insomnia.
  • Mood swings are a classic symptom of SAD. It may last for a long time in some people while for others it may experience erratic fluctuation.
  •  The person doesn’t feel motivated at all to do any work. Some might also lose interest in day-to-day activities.
  •  People with SAD feel like going in a shell and rarely feel like being around anyone. It is a mental health condition and most people deal with it by being alone.
  •  The person may feel drained all the time as less sun and light exposure, produce less amounts of melatonin. The hormone not only helps us sleep but also boosts energy. Reduction in melatonin can lead to lethargy.
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There are several effective treatments for SAD, including light therapy exposure to a bright light source that mimics natural sunlight, psychotherapy- such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, and medications-usually antidepressants. Lifestyle changes, such as increasing exposure to natural light, regular exercise, and managing stress, can also help alleviate symptoms. It is important to understand that not everyone who experiences changes in mood or energy during the changing season has SAD. It is diagnosed based on specific criteria and a healthcare professional should be consulted for a proper evaluation and treatment plan if you feel you have this condition.

Published Date: September 27, 2023 8:31 PM IST

Updated Date: September 27, 2023 8:33 PM IST




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