What Is the GM Diet? Is It Good for Weight Loss?

If you have a health goal of losing weight, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed. When you are at the beginning of a weight loss journey, it can feel like you have a ways to go and that it will take forever to reach your goal weight. This can lead to the mindset of wanting to lose as many pounds a week as possible, even if it means adopting some unusual habits.

The desire to lose a lot of weight super fast is what prompted the transgenic diet in popularity in the 1980s. According to a website dedicated to eating plan, the GM diet is centered around the idea of ​​burning more calories than you eat. But it’s not that simple. To reach this goal, the eating plan requires some unusual practices, such as eating only fruit one day and then only vegetables the next. This extreme way of eating is rumored to lead to losing up to 17 pounds per week.

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