2 Years on the Raw Paleo Diet Testimonial

The raw Paleo diet is the original human diet before agriculture. The raw paleo diet is raw fruits, raw vegetables and raw organic/wild fatty animal foods. The principle is that the human body is one of the best creations of nature. Looking at the basic human diet we are self healing and always healthy. As the foundation for healing most diseases, sticking to the raw Paleo diet every day will yield dramatic, lasting results.

My raw Paleo diet adventure came along with my desperate search for a cure for everything that ails me. The challenges in my life always needed a solution. Being trained as an engineer, a computer geek, a problem solver, I was driven to find the ultimate solution.

Born in 1969, I grew up like every other urban kid on baby formula, drugs, some fast food, lots of cooked food and following the debunked food pyramid of high cooked carbs and low fat.

I was diagnosed with asthma when I was a child and doctors prescribed anti-histamine drugs. When I got cystic acne at age 16, dermatologists showered me with steroid injections and creams. Finally someone decided that I should take an experimental drug called Ro-Accutane. We had to go to the main office of the drug company and sign a waiver for their drug was experimental and serious side effects were possible.

I was bitten by sandflies while visiting the beaches of Boracay in 2004 and suffered itching in my hands and feet for 2 whole years. After months on steroid injections and steroid creams, I gave up and just let it be and the suspected leishmaniasis went away in 2006.

All my life I’ve had folliculitis, red spots all over my body when I shower, faint easily with strenuous activity, heartburn, pain in left radiating shoulder, hospitalized for various undiagnosed viral illnesses Admitted to the U.S. and had a few heart murmurs Mitral valve prolapse and became obese at 170 pounds and wore pants with a 38″ waist.

Beginning in 2002 with my spouse and my secondary infertility adventure led us to clean up our diets to eliminate junk foods and anything edible from putting on our skin and tossing the microwave oven. and using raw oysters to increase sperm count.

While trying to conceive in the same 2002 I came down with an unknown viral illness, was hospitalized for 3 days, then suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome for 1 month. The heart doctor who ordered a battery of tests said the tests didn’t turn up anything so he wanted to shape my heart by prescribing heart shaping drugs called beta blockers, but it could kill my erections. Is! This was very unacceptable to my core personality as I only had one child and my life goal was at least more than 4. I strictly refused drugs and found that only by eliminating all sources of caffeine I was able to heal myself in 3 weeks. ,

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Weighing 170 pounds when my second child was born in September 2003, I wanted to lose weight to look sexy enough to have more children. I tried blindly following the cooked-up Atkins diet. I then sought the education of a mainstream Western medical nutritionist and he taught me that the way to lose weight was to reduce starches and increase vegetables. I lost weight and maintained 140 pounds for a while. But I was still not well.

In 2003 a small eczema started on my lower right leg, it was a good itch, I didn’t pay any attention to it. In mid 2005 it had become full blown eczema the size of a steak on my left arm, on my ears, on my entire face, on my right leg. I was a mess, I couldn’t work, I couldn’t go out, all 5 doctors who saw me said I was incurable and I was going to be like this for the rest of my life.

The incurable diagnosis was unacceptable to me. I’ve always been the open-minded type. No dogma was the motto of my life. I am an engineer, a problem solver, if these so called “doctors” said I was incurable, it only meant they didn’t know the cure and their common educational base was AMISS. I had to find people who didn’t know the cure… non-doctors so I moved to a faraway city where there were no western doctors, and my journey of learning true health began with a third generation herbalist named Manang Lorna .

I learned about electro-medicine, herbs, and detoxing: kidney cleanses, liver flushes, colon cleanses, and many other cleanses that relieved my eczema symptoms. Relieve the symptoms of eczema. But I wanted more. I wanted vibrant health. I knew there was more and I wanted to be healthy so bad I just had to learn more. All detox and no dietary changes meant no real cure.

In 2007 I stumbled upon raw veganism via Dr. Tam Mateo. I tried eating raw vegan for 2 months with his way, his recipes, his consultation, but I got too skinny and finally quit raw vegan. I reintroduced cooked meat and rice into my diet to prevent further weight gain.

I was then ready to fast and I tried a 14 day orange juice fast under the tutelage of Barefoot herbalist MH. It was an eye opener. I got rid of my addiction to cooked meat and rice. I was ready to try raw fruit. And I tried raw fruit which only lasted 2 months. I was slimming down on raw fruit than a raw vegan and I was feeling cold and I was living in a tropical country, 25 to 30 degrees Celsius in hot Manila. What finally knocked me to stop the fruit madness was when I sought support to see when my cold feelings would stop. A long time fruitarian said it would take 5 years! That did it, I had to find something else.

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I stumbled upon the Y Diet by Y Genryu (a variant of the Raw Paleo Diet). It was an easy move from fruitarian to Y diet, just add extra virgin olive oil to my tropical fruits and raw fish sashimi and raw egg yolks. Bomb! Instant feeling of well being! I gained a substantial amount of weight on the Y diet, from 112 to 120 pounds. In less than 4 months adding raw meat to my diet was a life breath to my health.

After 3 months on the Y diet I got bored of just seafood, why not try land animals? I met Ajones Vonderplanitz, who went on to rave about the benefits of raw land animals, raw beef, raw chicken, and raw dairy.

I needed some hand holding, some support to get started and I found Geoff Purcell (in the UK) at AllExperts.com very accessible. He and Craig Bates started the Raw Paleo Forum which has been very helpful to newbies like me.

I experimented with various raw land animals with duck, chicken, goat, lamb, frogs and raw organic grass fed best beef… True to the legendary grass fed Batangas beef with delicious yellow fat! I tried several types of raw dairy from goat, cow and carabao and all failed, I just couldn’t digest dairy, I realized I was lactose intolerant. Even my stomach disagreed with the raw green juice.

I was curious about the Homo Optimus diet which included cooked pork, I did my one month experiment and realized that I had less health on cooked meat than on raw meat.

I discovered that on a raw Paleo diet of organic fruits and raw fatty organic animal foods, I never got sick for an entire year. I felt invincible. It was a first for me, walking everyday hoping not to get sick. I tried eating a non-raw Paleo diet at the same time I felt sick. Also for the first time ever I have bicep muscles on my arms and I am a sedentary computer geek. Gosh, that talk about eating raw meat will give you muscles without gym workouts is true.

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In 2009 I shifted to a high fat low carb raw Paleo diet and I found it even more comfortable. Gone were the fluctuating hunger feelings characterized by hypoglycemia, which I thought was normal throughout my life when it came time for each meal.

The raw Paleo diet is the easiest diet I’ve been following, however high quality organic fruits and organic meats are expensive. The raw Paleo diet is even easier than the regular SAD or cooked Paleo diet. To be free from the shackles of cooking is a dream worth living. I feel like I’ve found “home” because the raw paleo diet is so easy even a caveman can do it.

To increase my access to the best foods even further I moved my company office to Cubao, just next to my favorite wet market “Farmers Market” for daily fresh marketing.

My diet these days consists of a high crude fat, low carb diet:

* Raw organic low glycemic local fruits in season – High Vitamin C fruits (Guava, Papaya, Indian Mango), Hydrating fruits (Watermelon, Watermelon), Fatty fruits (Durian, Coconut) We follow the season

* Raw fertilized duck eggs brought from Palawan

* Raw grass is fed fatty Batangas beef and sometimes raw goat or raw lamb

* Various raw seafood like oysters, oysters, small and big fish, lobster etc.

* No supplements. No supplement can match the power of real food.

The raw paleo diet and its variants are curative. My own young children have had first-hand experience eating a raw Paleo diet. When the kids I put on a raw paleo diet like mine are sick, they know the cure for their illness is RAW because they experience immediate relief. Kids know who is the healthiest person in the house these days.

At the end of this year 2009 I will have been on the raw paleo diet for 2 years and now I weigh a more respectable 128 pounds with a petite height of 5″5″ and a 31″ waist pant size. Always looking forward to achieving new health heights in the following years as I heal and continually adjust. All my health related issues have been resolved. It’s only been these 2 years I’ve ever felt really healthy.

Today at 40, I look younger, slimmer and stronger than I did when I was 30. It’s on the raw Paleo diet that I realized that humans were built, innately, to eat and stay healthy.

Source by Eli Edwin Casimero

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