3 day diet to lose 10 pounds

The 3 Day Diet is a fad diet, that is, a weight loss diet that quickly gained popularity, but whose popularity faded within a short period of time. It was a famous diet of 1985. The 3 Day Diet is a regular diet plan that still exists in scriptures and is practiced by some people for rapid weight loss, lowering cholesterol levels, cleansing and boosting energy levels. , It is purely a diet plan which does not recommend any kind of exercise along with the diet.

The 3 Day Diet is often incorrectly referred to as The Cleveland Clinic Diet. This diet plan has to be followed for three consecutive days. This is followed by a normal diet for the next four to five days, after which again a 3-day diet plan has to be selected. People who follow the 3 day diet plan are assured to lose up to 10 pounds in just three days time. If this diet regime is followed for a period of one month, one can lose up to 40 pounds in 30 days. However, the point is that the weight most likely to be lost due to the 3 Day Diet is liquid weight and not fat weight.

When one follows the 3 Day Diet one must have a strict diet of specified foods in precisely specified proportions. Eating more and less than the specified amount will deprive the dieter of the benefits of the 3 day diet.

Given below is the 3 day diet meal plan

for the first day

  1. Breakfast: Have a cup of black tea or black coffee, a slice of toast, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and half a grapefruit.
  2. Lunch: Have a slice of toast and ½ cup of tuna.
  3. Dinner: Have two slices or about three ounces of any type of lean meat. One cup beetroot, one cup string beans, one apple (a small one), and one cup vanilla ice cream (regular size).
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for another day

  1. Breakfast: Have one egg, half a banana, a slice of toast and a cup of black tea or black coffee.
  2. Lunch: Have a half cup of tuna or cheese, and five number regular saltine crackers.
  3. Dinner: Two slices of beef, one cup of cabbage or broccoli, half a banana, half a cup of carrots and half a cup of vanilla ice cream (regular size).

for the third day

  1. Breakfast: Have a cup of black tea or black coffee, five pieces of regular saltine crackers, an apple and an ounce of cheddar cheese.
  2. Lunch: Have a cup of black tea or black coffee, a boiled egg, a toast.
  3. Dinner: Have one cup of tuna, one cup of cauliflower, one cup of carrots, one cup of cantaloupe and ½ cup of regular vanilla ice cream.

Dieters who follow the 3-day diet consume no more than 9 glasses of water or any other non-caloric beverage, along with the prescribed foods. No substitute of any kind of food can be used in this diet. No spices and flavorings are allowed. However, salt and pepper can be added as per taste.

magic power behind

Wondering how this diet regime helps you lose so much weight in such a short span of time? There is no written record of how the 3 Day Diet works to cleanse the system, burn fat, increase energy levels, and lower cholesterol. However, the way it works in weight loss is given below.

This unique blend of specified food items magically works to create a specific type of metabolic reaction in your body. Certain types of chemicals in these foods are believed to increase your metabolism, and burn fat at a higher rate than it normally would.

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Returning to a normal eating style after these 3 days of dieting is to slow your system down to slow down its metabolism, get back to storing fat, and prevent you from starving. As long as you alternate this 3 day diet with a normal 4 to 5 day diet, you can create a myriad of diet days like this.

Disadvantages of 3 day diet plan

  • Carbohydrates are very less in the diet. Since carbohydrates are responsible for water retention, weight loss is initially due to cutting carbohydrates from your diet. So, once you get back to your normal eating habits, you are sure to gain back the weight you lost.
  • Diet does not provide you with the nutrition that your body needs.
  • The diet is very monotonous which causes dieters to prefer their old eating habits better, and thus come back once again. That’s why in most cases the resolution to lose weight is abandoned midway.
  • The belief that the 3 Day Diet works because of a unique metabolic response is not based on any solid foundation.
  • Weight loss is also caused by seriousness in calorie restriction which is not good for your health.
  • Since this diet involves cutting a lot of calories, it will be necessary that you take three days off from work.
  • If you are on a regular exercise program, you need to limit your exercise to the minimum possible extent as you might be experiencing low energy levels. And that can throw you off track, and it can be difficult to get back into your normal routine.
  • Rapid weight loss is not permanent, and you are likely to regain the lost weight soon.
  • Fad diets can drive your body into a state of starvation.
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Though the diet plan recommends a strict eating regime, it is better to skip it if you feel very lightheaded, or excessively tired. Take good care of yourself.

Source by Jack Swagor

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