6 Best Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss and Staying Healthy

1. Chicken Vegetable Soup

It’s perfect for soup fans. Among all the recipes for healthy living, vegetable soup stands out because of its simple nature and ease of preparation. All you need is the breast portion of the chicken cut into bite-sized pieces; chopped carrots; Pureed ginger, chopped onion, garlic, and some chicken broth. All you have to do is mix everything together, boil, and enjoy the warmth of healthy recipes for weight loss!

2. Tuna All-Around

Fish is common when you talk about healthy recipes for weight loss. They are not only low in calories; They are also good for your protein supply. You might think that healthy recipes are hard to come by, but with tuna, you can also opt for canned products. This healthy recipe for weight loss is very versatile because you can pair tuna with just about anything. You can even eat it with rice, roti or pasta! Just remember to keep your carbohydrates in moderation.

3. It’s Sandwiches!

People who prefer sandwich making dishes to stay healthy usually choose multi-grain and whole wheat bread. This is because the ingredients have not been refined and contain little or no sugar. Healthy recipes for sandwiches usually include the presence of tomato, lettuce, and low-fat meat such as chicken or tuna.

4. Salads Galore

Salad is the king of healthy and delicious recipes for weight loss! Why? This includes all healthy selections of food such as fruits and vegetables. Fruits are your healthy dose of sweets while vegetables keep you feeling full thus preventing you from craving meat. Salads are as versatile as sandwiches because you can mix and match every healthy thing. Try something new like kale and quinoa and dress it up with a vinaigrette, a favorite dressing for more healthy recipes than salads.

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5. Snack on it

Are you prone to snacking? not a problem. You can always turn to your all-time trusty apples, pears, and avocados. However, if you’d like to explore more on recipes for healthy additions to your snacks, you might want to enjoy a mix of sunflower seeds, raisins, and nuts like cashews and pistachios. However, you should keep it under 200 calories to stay in shape.

6. Drink and Shrink

It is a favorite of many and a trend-setter of healthy recipes for weight loss. It has earned praise from famous personalities and has shown spectacular results. For those who do not have a juicer, you can use your home mixer. You can first try basic smoothies with healthy and delicious recipes by mixing mangoes and bananas, then you can introduce your taste buds to exotic fruits like dragonfruits and some frozen berries. You can add yogurt to your heart’s delight!

Source by Thelma Okoro

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