Easy mindfulness tips to improve mental health

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an increase in anxiety and major depressive disorders around the world.

The social and economic consequences of the pandemic have translated into an additional 76 million cases of anxiety disorders and 53 million major depressive disorders.

It is extremely important to prioritize your mental health during these difficult times. According to health experts, by using mindfulness techniques, you can help yourself feel fully present and engaged in the moment. This allows you to control your thoughts, feelings, and overall mental health.

Mindfulness has its roots in Buddhist philosophy. The goal is to create a state of “pure awareness” where you simply observe your present thoughts without judgment. By observing your feelings, you develop tolerance and a capacity for negative emotions.

Mindfulness meditation approaches have been shown to significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Here is a 1-minute exercise that can help you:

Watch your breath for a moment. Observe the time between inhalation and exhalation. Pay attention to the expansion of your lungs. If you find your mind wandering, gently bring your attention back to your breath.

Draw attention to your body and become aware of the sensations you are feeling. Start at your feet and slowly bring your awareness up.

Move your focus away from your hands and become aware of your surroundings and the space around you.

When you ground yourself with these techniques, it becomes easier to reflect on your current state of mind. By being an active observer, you will find yourself more grounded and ready to challenge difficult thoughts.

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If you need immediate assistance or advice, please contact the City of Philadelphia’s 24-hour Mental Health Delegate Line at 215-685-6440. Plus, the Crisis Text Line is a 24/7 texting hotline for any emotional crisis – text HOME to 741741.

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