Upset Stomach: After eating junk food and things made from all purpose flour, people often get stomach related problems. Some people’s stomach is not cleaned properly even after spending hours in the bathroom. There is some problem in the stomach. Such people are afraid to eat anything. I do not understand what to eat so that the stomach becomes clean. Many times, if the stomach is not cleaned for a long time, the problem of constipation and stomach cramps also occurs. Today we are telling you some home remedies to get rid of this problem. You should include such things in your diet, which will clear the stomach. Let’s know what to eat in case of upset stomach?
1- Apple- If your stomach is not getting cleaned properly, then increase the amount of fruits in the diet. You should eat fruits rich in fiber. Apple is the best fruit for this. Apple is rich in calcium, protein, iron, zinc and magnesium. You should eat an apple daily. It also definitely provides nutrients and keeps the stomach clean.
2- Avocado- Avocado is considered a super food for the stomach. Eating avocado provides relief in stomach related problems like ulcer, acidity, intestinal inflammation etc. Weakness is removed by eating avocado. It also helps in weight loss.
3- Sweet potato- To keep the stomach healthy, include sweet potatoes in your diet. Fiber is found in sweet potato, due to which the stomach remains healthy. You must eat sweet potatoes in your daily routine. You can eat sweet potatoes by boiling or roasting them.
4- Flax seeds- Eating flaxseeds provides omega-3. Flax seeds are very beneficial for the heart. Eating flaxseeds keeps the stomach clean. Constipation, stomach pain and cramps are removed by its consumption. You must make flaxseed a part of your diet.
5- Salad- If you have stomach related problems, then include things rich in fiber in the food. You should eat a lot of salad. You eat cucumber, tomato, cucumber and carrot salad. Apart from this, include seasonal fruits and green vegetables in your routine.
Disclaimer: ABP News does not endorse the methods, methods and claims described in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.
Also read: Digestion: Simple Ayurvedic way to increase digestion power, stomach will be clean easily in the morning