Avoid eating mango and watermelon in the rain, these fruits and vegetables do harm

Monsoon Food: Fruits and vegetables start rotting very quickly during the rainy season. In such a situation, you should take special care of diet. Consume fruits and vegetables wisely in this season. There is a high risk of infection from eating and drinking in the rain. Bacteria and germs start to grow in the food. Especially watery fruits like watermelon, melon and mango should be avoided in the rain. Apart from this, green leafy vegetables should also not be eaten in the rain.

Avoid eating these fruits in the rain

1- Mango- When the rainy season starts, the mango season is at its peak. You may eat mangoes in the initial days, but stop eating mangoes after a few months. Mangoes start getting spoiled due to rain. There is a risk of fungal and bacterial growth in this. So avoid eating mangoes.

2- Watermelon- Watermelon is the most water-rich fruit. There is no better fruit than watermelon in summer, but you should avoid eating watermelon in the rain. In this season, watermelon can cause you many types of stomach related infections.

3- Melon- It is important to keep the body hydrated in the rain, but you should avoid the consumption of watery fruits. These fruits get contaminated quickly during the rainy season. You can get sick if you eat them.

4- Green leafy vegetables- It is advisable not to eat green vegetables in monsoon. Insects and bacteria start growing in these vegetables. Sometimes dirty water contaminates vegetables. This can cause problems in the digestive system.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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