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Do not eat wheat, barley flour, heart, diabetes, cholesterol and obesity will all be under control

Weight Loss Food: To lose weight, you first need to make changes in your cereals. You should eliminate wheat flour from your diet. Instead, you should eat barley ie rotis made from barley flour. Barley flour is very beneficial. This helps in weight loss. Eating barley flour regularly keeps the heart healthy and is beneficial in controlling diabetes. Barley flour reduces the increased cholesterol. Nutrients like protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, zinc are found in it. It is a very low calorie food which is rich in fiber. You should eat only barley flour in food.

benefits of eating barley flour

1- Weight loss- Barley flour or barley porridge both help in weight loss. Barley is a rich fiber and low calorie food. Eating it fills the stomach quickly and does not feel hungry for a long time. This helps in weight loss.

2- Make Digestion Good (Improves Digestion)- Since barley is rich in fiber, then eating it is good for digestion. Barley contains insoluble fiber. Which is good for stomach. It does not cause constipation problem.

3- Lower cholesterol- Nowadays, eating oily increases the cholesterol in the bed, which causes blockages in the heart. In such a situation, you should eat things made from barley. This helps in reducing the cholesterol level. It contains beta-glucans bile acid which lowers the ‘bad’ cholesterol.

4- Control Diabetes- A diabetic patient should eat bread made of barley flour instead of wheat. This controls the blood sugar level and improves insulin. Barley reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.

  डाइटीशियन ने बताया मिठाई खाने का तरीका और सही समय, आप भी करें फॉलो नहीं बढ़ेगा मोटापा

5- Keep the heart healthy (Reduce Heart Disease)- Nowadays heart problems are increasing rapidly. In such a situation, people should include things made from barley in the diet. It reduces the risk of heart related diseases.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

read this also: Weight Loss Tips: No Exercise, No Dieting, Only These Things Will Reduce Weight

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