Most common mistakes made while losing weight

The moment you want to lose weight, you know that eating healthy and exercising more is essential. You start out full of energy and discipline, but it always turns out to be more difficult than you initially thought.

That belly just gets in the way and the pounds don’t fly off with lightning speed. Adjusting to your new lifestyle demands a lot from you. How can you maintain it and prevent the most common mistakes while losing weight?

Most common mistakes made during weight loss

The first mistake many people make while losing weight is counting calories. Most people view losing weight as a punishment that means they can eat fewer calories. Even most people write down what they eat and how many calories it contains.

In Strict Food Diary, you keep track of what you eat for breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

Snacks are not allowed, so write them down as little as possible.

The problem with this type of food diary is that it doesn’t really work for weight loss. It only makes you aware and maybe even stressed about what you eat in a day.

eat fewer calories

The big problem with cutting calories is that it’s impossible to get by on less than 1,200 calories in the long run. Like holding your breath, cutting your calories can’t be sustainable.

Losing weight is also not realistic as avoiding the right calories from your diet is essential. You need the right nutrient balance before you can lose weight successfully.

fat free diet

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We get to see the same message again and again in different advertisements. Fat is unhealthy and hence we should eat low fat foods. Fat causes the veins to silt and increases the risk of heart disease.

The unhealthy fats that you eat are immediately converted into body fat. This argument is wrong. The above story sounds very logical but it is not. It may sound silly but it is probably the most important nutrient when it comes to weight loss. Fat may have 9 calories per gram but it is better for your body than sugar.

Fat doesn’t bother your appetite system. Eating fat will fill your body faster and you will eat less. In addition, low-fat foods tend to be tasteless. Food manufacturers add sugar to make it more palatable. Sugar is a real fat thickener which forces you to eat more. A low-fat or fat-free diet doesn’t help you lose weight.


Every magazine about health and weight loss has tons of articles about the many benefits of running. Running is healthy and will help you fight disease and help you get a fit body.

that is very true. Exercising gets you heart rate up, it’s healthy because it strengthens your heart and blood vessels. However, while losing weight, running is not recommended for the following reasons.

  • Performing the same movements every day increases your risk of injury to your joints. Especially if you have to lift heavy weights, this is very bad for your joints.

  • When you exercise, your body makes a stress hormone, cortisol. If you exercise for long periods of time, your body will produce higher levels of cortisol. This high cortisol reduces your fat burning.

  • Running for a long time reduces your blood sugar level significantly. After exercise, it is so low that it is necessary to supplement it quickly. The fastest way to accomplish this is to drink sugary drinks or eat something sweet.

This is the reason why one always feels like eating sweet things after exercise. Exercise is healthy for your body but the best sport is short intense sport of about half an hour.

carbohydrate food

The products that you should avoid when losing weight are carbohydrate-rich products. It is not the only food that makes us overweight but we eat too many carbohydrates in a day. Carbohydrates are found in bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, noodles, rusks, crackers and crackers.

These carbohydrates are processed into sugar in your body, which causes your blood sugar levels to rise excessively. Your body produces the hormone insulin through these sugars. This hormone processes sugar from your blood. This process causes a sugar crash. After your body processes it you get hungry again and the cycle starts again.

If your body makes this circle too many times, your body can’t make it any more. This will ensure that your become insulin resistant. This insulin resistance is the cause of type 2 diabetes and prevalence. So avoid carbohydrates as much as possible.

start on time

When we start something, we always want to do well. We are waiting for the right time. If this moment comes, you know for sure that you are going to do it right. The problem with these types of intentions is that there is never a perfect time. This is never true.

It can sometimes take weeks, months or even years before you can take action. It is okay to enjoy it once in a birthday or party. These are no reasons not to start a healthy lifestyle today. Just start today and find out how far you have come.

start losing weight today

If you wait for a perfect moment, you will never do anything. If you start now, you’ll find yourself going farther than you thought you would. Don’t wait for the right motivation, trust me you will develop this motivation automatically if you start today.

Successful weight loss involves choosing a good program, developing a healthy lifestyle, and sticking with it until eating this way becomes normal. Always choose a program or method that you trust and just go for it. Get started today and make no mistake in losing weight and ensure a slim, fit and healthy body.

Source by Jackie Tay

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