A deeper relationship with God is the path to greater wisdom, planning ability, and faith. To deepen your relationship with Him, you must take time to connect with Him every day. In this Christian weight loss scripture, God gives a promise related to healing:
2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, who are called me, pray humbly and seek my vision and turn away from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and restore their land as it was.” Will do it.” ,
According to Barna Research, Ltd., the average adult and child spends 3 hours each day in front of the television. on the contrary they only spend 3 minutes In prayer Which of these influences do you think will ultimately lead you to success?
Just as a soldier in battle must have a commander to order his steps, you too must ask God to order your steps. A vibrant prayer life brings peace to the soul and purpose in everything you do. Plus, it can have a real effect on your body: A University of Arizona study found that regular spiritual practices such as prayer can ultimately affect the body’s ability to lose fat by reducing levels of stress hormones that promote fat storage. contributes to.
That’s why prayer benefits you spiritually, emotionally and physically. So take time every morning to spend time in prayer. One thing in particular that will help you with your weight loss goals is to pray to God not to lead you into temptation. Since Jesus included that request in the Lord’s Prayer, it is wise to ask.
Think about how you can begin to build a solid prayer life. The time you invest in your relationship with God will reap incredible benefits.
Source by Kimberly Floyd