Lose Weight With Hypnosis – How To Lose Weight Fast And Reduce Stress At The Same Time

Losing weight with hypnosis is something I had never even heard of, but once I tried it it made total sense to me. Going on a diet is never easy, and the idea of ​​counting calories and starving yourself didn’t sound appealing. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been on more diets than I can remember.

I was also sick for a while, so the last time I gained weight it was much more than before. I found myself withdrawing from social situations and dreading the thought of buying clothes. It seemed that being overweight was affecting every area of ​​my life.


When a close friend suggested hypnosis I thought he meant I should go to a psychologist and be hypnotized there in the office. I had no intention of doing so. First of all, my insurance probably doesn’t cover that type of thing, and I would feel weird about it too. I was quite uncomfortable, without going into a stranger’s office and being sedated.


My friend laughed when I told her how I felt. She quit smoking last year, and we all thought she did it on her own. She then shared with me that she too had gone through hypnosis, but in the privacy of her own home. The audio recording was on his computer, as well as in his MP3 player. She used to listen to him daily for about twenty minutes.


I now use this same type of recording for my weight loss program. Hypnosis is relaxing and it has also helped me reduce stress. When I started losing weight I thought it was just a coincidence, but now I know that the soothing voice on the recording helped me.


If you are considering hypnosis to quit smoking, lose weight, or change any other aspect of your life, I would encourage you to get started right away. We have so many struggles and challenges in our lives that we don’t need one more. Even though you should still eat less and exercise more, shedding those unwanted pounds is now easier than ever.


Get into the mindset to change your physical appearance and your health and you will have taken the first step towards living the life you deserve. Lower body weight will also help you reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

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Source by Connie Ragen Green

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