eat fast lose weight

EAT EAT, LOSE WEIGHT FAST is the key to sustainable weight loss. Many people starve themselves in an attempt to lose weight fast, however they often find that results are often slow, short-lived or not at all. Why? Because when you starve yourself, your metabolism shuts down and the body is facing famine, hence the results are bad.

The real trick is to eat more natural foods. I challenge you to try eating unprocessed foods for at least 21 days until it becomes a habit.

Create meals that are wholesome and healthy for you. By that, I mean make meals full of fruits, vegetables (all fruits and vegetables), whole grains (rice, pasta, oatmeal) and lean sources of protein like chicken, turkey, lean beef and fish. Also, add some essential fats provided by olive oil, nuts and seasonings to the mix.

Making each meal with natural ingredients will actually make you eat more, since these foods generally have fewer calories, so you can fill up more of your plate. Not only can you eat more at each meal, but you should be eating more often throughout the day. Spreading 5-6 times per day, at 2-3 hour intervals, should be ideal. This will give you long lasting energy, and keep your metabolism high, even when you’re hungry.

There’s one rule of thumb when you’re trying to lose weight. Use this as an indicator that you are on the right track. Do not starve yourself and allow yourself to feel thirsty, if you do then it is too late. Therefore, eat natural foods after every 3 hours, even if you do not feel hungry, remember that your metabolism is high when you are digesting, and it is at its lowest point when you are starving.

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Drink plenty of clean water, at least 2 liters per day and keep drinking it sip by sip. It will flush out the toxins and fat from your system that may have built up earlier and keep you hydrated and energized throughout the day.

The answer to sustainable fat loss is really simple – eat the food you eat to lose weight fast, as mentioned above. Click No nonsense, tested and proven diets and eating plans that create the permanent fat loss you’ve always wanted naturally.

Source by Roger Ruzzier

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