Decaf coffee as the only salvation from the Candida diet – is it allowed?

She’s still working on getting her personal candida diet straight here. She was wondering how many of us drink decaffeinated coffee. She likes to drink two cups a day, but is using stevia and a little skim milk to accompany it. Some diets say decaf is fine, others say coffee isn’t, but they think they’re talking about regular coffee. She thinks that coffee will be her only salvation to stay on this diet! She also wanted to know what could be done most effectively with olive leaf extract.

According to “The Yeast Connection,” coffee is subject to mold contamination. How uncertain If you think that you cannot live without coffee, then you will have to experiment yourself. As I understand it, a cup of coffee wipes out the good flora and fauna in the gut and it takes 4-7 hours for them to regenerate. If candida sufferers are taking probiotics, there is something to do cheerfully, without coffee.

It’s not the caffeine or the decaffeinated coffee itself, but the acids in the coffee that feed the yeast. Go find an amazing low acid regular coffee, and it’s okay to have 1-2 cups a day of them.

Taking olive leaf extract alone resulted in viral resistance in most cases in about 8 weeks. More effective results can be achieved by combining olive leaf extract with at least 2 effective antivirals, either government-approved (Zerit, Epivir, Viramune, Sustiva, etc.) or low-cost unapproved therapies whose efficacy has been shown to be sufficient. A number are supported by individual case reports or studies. Some studies have been done on bitter gourd, bitter shrub, Artemisia annua, curcumin, monolaurin, coconut oil, Sutherlandia and some strains of the probiotic L. plantarum.

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Source by Angie Lindsey

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