Is Slow Metabolism Good or Bad? Learn How Cardio Affects It

Metabolism Surprising Effects: Some people find it challenging to lose weight by simply restricting calories because their metabolism is sluggish, burning fewer calories and storing more calories as body fat. Because calories are burned more quickly when your metabolism is high, this helps explain why some people can eat a lot without gaining weight.

How does cardio affect metabolism?

People with smaller built and less fat or muscle will require fewer calories to do all these tasks and vice versa Cardiovascular activity like walking, running, climbing stairs or playing any outdoor sport helps you burn calories which means That you will lose fat or maybe some muscle which in turn is going to bring down your BMR. Research shows that a person who regularly does any type of cardio activity and keeps themselves more active throughout the day has better cardiovascular health, better respiratory health and overall improved overall cardiovascular health in the long run Is.

Is Running Effective as Cardio?

Ashish Grewal, fitness expert, CEO and founder of My Health Buddy says, “A form of LISS (Low Intensity Steady State Cardio), walking is best suited for people of any age. It also releases endorphins which help you manage your stress in a better way and uplifts your mood. Researches have shown that for every 1000 steps extra 1k steps, the mortality rate decreases by 22%. There is a 12% drop in overall mortality for taking 8000 steps per day over a long period of time.

How does cardio help besides improving metabolism?

Not only metabolism, there is a significant improvement in improving a person’s overall cholesterol profile by consistently walking 8000+ steps every day. Even people with chronic stress or anxiety issues have been seen to have better mental health over time. Cardio activity has also been found to be very effective in managing blood sugar levels and insulin resistance among other conditions.

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5 ways to speed up metabolism

People trying to lose weight can also get better results if they include cardiovascular activity along with following a proper dieting routine. Here’s more you can do to improve your metabolism:-

Exercise more. Increase your calorie burn in less time by incorporating interval training into your cardio regimen.

Weight lifting. Your body can burn more calories if you add muscle.

Avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast.

Eat fat burning food.

Get a good night’s sleep without missing a beat.

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Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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