Exercises to Lose Belly Fat – Exercise Your Way to Lose Belly Fat

Do you want to know which are the best exercises to reduce belly fat? Well, in this article we are going to look at some traditional exercises and some modern exercises to reduce belly fat. While I’m not saying that traditional exercises just don’t work, but the new exercise does indeed speed up belly fat loss.

The traditional and most common exercise that most of us do to reduce belly fat is sit ups. Although by no means would I say it doesn’t work, but it doesn’t focus all your energy on the abs. A lot of energy is also diverted to your legs and arms. So, one really needs to see their priority before going for reducing belly fat using this exercise.

Some new exercises to reduce belly fat are –

1. Bicycle Crunches – This exercise if done correctly and on a daily basis will bring great and fast results. It will also ensure that you get that perfect V-shaped body that you have always dreamed of.

2. Planks – This is not a new exercise but it is something that people have forgotten about. It is not only for reducing belly fat but also for strengthening the body from inside and giving the abs a 6-pack look.

3. Abs Scissors is one of those exercises that can really speed up the speed at which the ab muscles burn.

4. Do some step exercises and aerobics which burn huge amount of calories and hit your abs the most.

Apart from these, there are many other activities and exercises to reduce belly fat. Ride a bicycle to your office or workplace if it is not far away. It is a great way to reduce your belly fat and also regulate your breathing which means better oxygen supply to the body which in turn leads to better fat burning. It would also be a good idea to take the stairs instead of the lift.

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Swimming is also a good way to stress yourself out and improve your breathing. Swimming also helps with bowel movements and is a great way to burn fat.

Any kind of cardio exercise is a good way to remove extra calories from our body. But at the end of the day, exercises to reduce belly fat will not work unless you keep a check on your diet. You should stop eating fried food, junk food like burgers and pizza and high fat foods like peanut butter, ice cream etc. with immediate effect. You should replace all these items with foods with low calorie and high fiber content, such as cucumber. , tomatoes, papaya, watermelon, pulses and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Although exercise and diet will work separately, but the best effect will be seen only when you follow both together.

Source by Aaron Cage

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