7 Fat Burning Foods for Fast Weight Loss

Start adding these fat-burning foods to your diet and watch the pounds fly out the window, because you’ve just completely revved up your fat-burning engine. The foods on this list help burn more fat and require more energy to digest, giving you less energy for maximum fat loss.

Protein is a great food to start with because it takes a lot of energy to digest, so the more protein your body takes in, the more calories you burn.

Here is the list of 7 Fat Burning Foods:

  • Eggs – Eggs are rich in protein and also contain vitamin B12, which is an essential vitamin needed to help your body burn more fat and break down fat.
  • Beans – Navy, kidney and white beans are rich in protein, fiber and iron. These are all awesome ingredients for burning fat!
  • Lean Cuts of Meat – Meat is high in protein, so they’re great for burning fat, but remember don’t just stick to beef… mix it up with turkey and pork.
  • Fish – Salmon and tuna are my favorite sources of protein, as they also contain omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for your body!
  • Tofu – This food is added to the list not only because it is rich in protein, but also because of its overall health benefits.
  • Dairy products – A range of dairy products are low-fat or skim milk, yogurt and cheese. These products are excellent sources of protein and calcium. These will help maintain muscle mass and strengthen your bones.
  • Citrus fruits – Try to have three servings of fruits a day and make some of these citrus fruits, as they are rich in vitamin C, which is a great fat burner.
  • High-fiber foods – This can be anything with whole grains in it. Try a bowl of oatmeal and skim milk for a great combination to burn fat!
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Source by Christopher Stigson

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