2 "belly shock" Weight Loss Tips – Unconventional Weight Loss Tips That Are Hitting The Block!

These weight loss tips are the real deal. No one is talking about these unconventional weight loss techniques. It’s a shame, but at least you’ll know about them. Read this now if you are looking for some new ways to lose weight effectively and fast.

weight loss tips

1. Stress stops your weight loss

One of the major reasons why you are not able to lose weight is stress. Nobody talks about this. They only talk about dieting and exercise. Even if you did both of those right, you still wouldn’t lose weight if you were under high levels of stress.

To solve this stress problem and get back to losing weight, you need a simple way to de-stress yourself. This will help you manage stress better. Take deep breaths. The extra oxygen you take in does wonders for stress. As a bonus, oxygen is a catalyst for weight loss because it oxidizes fat cells.

I suggest that you take anywhere from 7-15 minutes of deep breathing throughout the day. Don’t do it all at once. Spread it and do it whenever you remember.

2. Natural Hormone Balancing by Spinning

Again, you can fix everything with exercise and your diet, but if your hormones are out of whack, you’re in trouble. You will not lose weight. The simple solution is to walk in a circle. Do it the way little kids do… by spreading your arms like the wings of an airplane.

A short explanation of why it works is because spin has a supernatural ability to influence and stimulate the endocrine system.

WARNING: Do not overdo the rotations. Do 5-10 and only do so much that you start to feel dizzy.

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If you are not happy with your diet and exercise results, try these 2 unconventional tips to lose weight.

Source by Jennifer Jolan

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