2 Best Exercises For Weight Loss!

Here are the 2 best exercises for weight loss. If dieting distracts you and you want to lose weight by exercising, then read this now so that you don’t waste your time doing unnecessary and useless exercises that will not help you lose weight.

best exercises for weight loss

Exercise #1: Walking on an Inclined Surface

Whether you’re walking up a hill or on a treadmill that has an incline of 15-20 degrees, incline walking is better than jogging, riding a stationary bike, using the elliptical, or jumping stairs.

The key of course is that you are walking uphill… not on a flat surface. My opinion on running on a flat surface… It’s good for slow weight loss and weight maintenance, but if you want to lose weight fast, go incline.

You need to do this walk only for 25 minutes, 4 days a week. 100 minutes a week isn’t asking a lot when you consider you have 10,080 minutes a week! It’s not even 1% of your total time. If you just can’t give it up for your health (I’m not even talking about weight loss), then you should consider re-evaluating your priorities.

Exercise #2: Squats for 5 minutes daily at home

On days you’re not walking (or if you skip a day), do Hindu squats. The way I want you to do them only requires 5 minutes total.

What are Hindu squats? Those are squats without weights. Just you and your body squatting up and down. The 2 things I want you to remember about this exercise is that you must go as fast as possible and you must do it continuously for 5 minutes without any rest.

Now, starting out, you may need a few short breaths. So take a 10 second rest a few times in those 5 minutes. After a week or less, you should be able to do 100 or more squats in under 5 minutes without stopping.

  क्या मूंगफली खाने से बढ़ सकता है डायबिटीज का खतरा, जान लें क्या कहते हैं एक्सपर्ट

It is a powerful exercise because it causes such a massive loss of oxygen within your body. That lack of oxygen forces your body to burn down body fat for immediate energy. So by doing this your obesity decreases rapidly… in just 5 minutes.

These are the 2 best exercises for weight loss in my opinion.

Source by Jennifer Jolan

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