How to lose weight – that’s it!

When I first started getting serious about losing weight, I knew all the reasons—from health to looks to fitness. But it seemed that the more I looked, the more confused I became about how to actually lose weight. The good news is – I finally found out that it’s actually really simple!

If you’ve been doing any research into weight loss – I’m sure you know what I mean! If you follow everyone’s advice, you need a high protein, low carb, low calorie, protein free, high fiber, 10 hour workout in 30 seconds, $200 a day exercise program planner. Plus prepackaged food and a roller blade for good measure! Then you will be able to lose 30lbs in a day, you will feel better than ever and so on. bad news? 99% of all that is just blatant advertising hype designed to hook you into a recurring monthly subscription for something!

Here’s the good news – the “real” way to lose weight is incredibly simple! And with just a little education and a few basic tricks, anyone can lose weight safely and permanently. It won’t be 30lbs in a week – but that’s neither safe nor permanent for most people – but it can be noticeable, stable and feel great.

How To Lose Weight #1 – Eat fewer calories than you need every day! Now it sounds simple, doesn’t it? And that’s it – the only “trick” is to change your lifestyle so that you control your calories, rather than them controlling you. Make sure you eat as often as you need to – then you won’t be starving when you come face to face with that donut!

  how many calories should you get to lose weight

Tip #2 – Burn more calories per day. Ouch – it sounds like exercise! And it is – but exercise doesn’t have to mean buying an impossibly tight Lycra suit and running on a treadmill for 2 hours a day. In fact, if you’re just starting out, none of these options are good! Just start increasing your physical activity everywhere you go. Park further away from the office or store and walk in. Use the stairs instead of the elevator – at least for some floors. Take the long way around the block to pick up the kids. Remember – even if you only burn a few extra hundred calories this way – that could be another pound in a week!

Tip #3 – Drink water – and lots of water! Ask most people how to lose weight and they’ll come up with the first two, but water is the main way to flush toxins from your body and get back in shape – make sure to get enough of it!

And finally – educate yourself! You can lose weight with these three tips. But with education, you can lose weight fast and easily. So check out some weight loss review sites, plug into some email programs and make yourself a new, sleek plan!

Source by Gary J Bailey

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