How to lose weight when diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

Many people with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, as well as other forms of hypothyroidism, gain a significant amount of weight and have great difficulty losing it. Of course a major reason for weight gain is that any hypothyroid condition will slow down the body’s metabolism. When it comes to weight loss in these people, there are essentially three different factors that need to be considered. You will be very familiar with the first two factors, however many people with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis do not consider a third factor, which is usually the primary reason people with the condition are unable to lose weight:

1. Diet. Almost everyone who tries to lose weight does so by making changes to their diet. And without question, healthy eating is a key component to losing weight as well as keeping it off. Of course many people don’t really understand what is involved in a “healthy diet”, and this is because different sources will recommend different diets. For example, some “experts” will tell you to cut out carbohydrates completely and eat protein of any kind. Others will tell you that it’s a “calorie game,” and that as long as you limit yourself to eating a certain number of calories per day, you’ll lose weight.

When you really think about it, you probably know what you should be eating to help you lose and maintain weight. Yes, restricting calories can work, but it is without question not a long-term weight loss solution if you’re eating unhealthy foods most of the time. And by no means am I suggesting that you need to eliminate all junk food from your life forever, as if you eat healthy most of the time it’s “cheating” every now and then for most people. Ok.

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So what should someone eat when trying to lose and maintain weight? Well, you definitely want to try to eat at least 3 to 5 servings of fresh vegetables every day. Of course you need to be careful to reduce goitrogenic vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, as these can further disrupt thyroid function. You can also eat a few servings of fresh fruits daily, such as apples, blueberries, raspberries, etc. Ideally you want to reduce those fruits with a high glycemic index, such as bananas.

Assuming you’re not a vegetarian, you can eat lean meats like organic chicken and turkey. You can also eat certain types of fish, such as wild salmon. Organic eggs are fine too, assuming you’re not allergic to them. And raw nuts and seeds are fine to consume, too. I certainly haven’t included everything you can eat here, but hopefully you get the idea. The overall point is to avoid refined and sugary foods and eat whole foods.

Two other important points to make are that you want to make sure not to skip breakfast, as this can wreak havoc on your blood sugar levels. The second point is that after having breakfast, you don’t want to go more than two hours without eating, even if it’s a small one. Every meal should include some health protein. Taking this approach will help curb your appetite and stabilize your blood sugar levels, which are essential to any weight loss program.

2. Exercise. We all know the importance of exercise, and as a result I’m not going to go into too much detail here. I know that many people with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis have low energy levels, which makes it difficult to start a regular exercise program. And frankly, some people will need to address other areas to help restore their energy levels. This usually won’t be accomplished by seeing an endocrinologist or general practitioner, as most doctors will simply put their patients on thyroid hormone, which may help with hypothyroid symptoms, but many times does nothing for the actual cause of the disorder. . ,

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As a result, many people’s energy levels will remain low, and they will be unable to exercise. So for those who fall into this category, I recommend consulting with a natural endocrine doctor, who will do more than just recommend synthetic or natural thyroid hormones, and take a whole-body approach that works for energy most of the time. Will help restore levels in people with various types of hypothyroidism, including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

For those who do have the energy to exercise regularly, I recommend at least three to five days of exercise each week that include at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise. It can be as simple as taking a 30-minute walk. Some people may not be able to start with 30 minutes, as they may need to start with 5 to 10 minutes, and then work their way up. But the ultimate goal is to do 30 minutes of non-stop exercise that makes you sweat. As always, always consult your doctor before starting any exercise program.

3. Hormones. When it comes to functional endocrinology, one of my mentors is Dr. Janet Lang, who often told attendees during her seminars that “hormones are stronger than diet”. This means that if you have a hormonal imbalance, which many people with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis have, it will be extremely difficult if not impossible to lose weight through diet and exercise alone.

Eating too many refined foods and skipping meals affects two key hormones in the body, cortisol and insulin. And when someone continues these habits for many years, it will put a strain on the adrenal glands, and can eventually lead to insulin resistance. And until it heals, you can eat a perfect diet and exercise daily and it will be difficult to lose weight.

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Many people with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and other types of hypothyroidism also have an imbalance in the ratio between the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which can also lead to weight gain and thus make it difficult to lose weight. This is another reason why I recommend that people with these conditions consult a competent naturopathic endocrinologist, as they will be able to detect a hormonal imbalance and, if they determine that you have one, treat it. Help you fix it.

So these are the primary factors to consider when trying to lose weight with any hypothyroid condition, including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. While most people focus on one or both of the first two factors I mentioned, very few are aware of the impact hormonal imbalances can have on losing weight. But if you want to lose weight and maintain it, you really need to consider all three of these factors. Eating well, exercising regularly, and correcting any hormonal imbalances will not only help you lose your unwanted weight, but will also help keep it off forever.

Source by Dr. Eric Osansky

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