3 simple lifestyle changes to help you lose weight

Going on a super-strict diet or spending every waking moment at the gym is the only way to lose weight. However, what’s the use of working so hard when at the end of the struggle you are going to gain back all the pounds you lost or worse yet gain more than the pounds you lost. Sounds like a nightmare, doesn’t it? Hard work pays off for a short period of time and then the result reverses in no time.

You don’t need to take the hard way all the time to make sure you get the results of your hard work, you can take the easy solutions and still stay in shape. It is indeed possible that you can lose weight with small lifestyle changes. It is time we bust the myth.

It is clear that a lot of the fad diets out there work to lose weight fast, however, these diets and exercise leave you feeling hungry and deprived.

To keep the pounds off once and for all, it’s best that you do it slowly. (Slow and steady wins the race, remember?)

Experts have also claimed that you can lose weight without going on a “diet”. The key is making simple tweaks to your lifestyle.

Simple Lifestyle Changes to Lose Weight Once you lose weight, it may be the easiest changes you can make in your life.

So here’s the plan, which outlines how to significantly reduce your appetite, lose weight (without hunger), and improve your metabolic health.

1. Cut Back on Sugars and Starches – This is the most important step – cutting down on sugar and starches (carbs). Once done, it lowers the hunger level and thus, you end up eating fewer calories. Thus, instead of burning carbs for energy, your body starts eating from stored fat. It also lowers insulin levels, which causes your kidneys to flush excess sodium and water from your body. This further reduces bloat and unnecessary water weight.

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2. Eat Protein, Fat, and Vegetables – Each meal you consume should include protein source, fat source and vegetables (low in carbs). The best sources of protein are meat, fish and seafood, and eggs. High-protein diets have been proven to reduce food cravings and obsessive thoughts and, thus, cut the urge for late-night snacking in half. Never think twice about loading up your plate with low-carb vegetables. A diet based on meat and vegetables contains all the fiber, minerals and vitamins that keep you healthy. Your fat sources can be from olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and butter. If you try low-carb and low-fat together, the diet will fail.

3. lift weights 3 times per week You do not need to exercise to lose weight, however, it is recommended. The best option is to go to the gym 3 times a week or at most 4 times. All you have to do is warm-up and lift some weights. When you lift weights, you’ll burn calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight. If lifting weights is off the charts, you can always do some cardio like walking, jogging, running, cycling or even swimming will suffice.

Apart from this, changes in your diet are some of the lifestyle changes tips to lose weight. These tips are more likely to act as a catalyst in your weight loss.

1. Drink water half an hour before meal.

2. Drink coffee or tea.

3. Eat your food slowly.

4. Weigh yourself daily.

5. Get a good night’s sleep. every night (very important)

6. Add more steps to your routine. (Take 10,000 steps a day)

7. Have breakfast every day.

8. Close the kitchen at night. (You don’t want to indulge in mindless snacking or late dinners)

9. Gujiya Water 24/7.

10. Avoid doing anything else while you are eating.


When you reduce your carbs and insulin levels, you change the hormonal environment and allow your brain and body to adapt to the new changes. This reduces hunger and appetite and thus, it eliminates the reason most people fail with conventional weight loss methods. These methods have been proven to help you lose 2-3 times as much weight as a normal low-fat, calorie-restricted diet.

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It is also recommended to include green tea in your list of lifestyle changes to lose weight. green tea It has been proven to be associated with several health benefits including weight loss due to its rich nutrition and antioxidant makeup. It is beneficial for weight loss by making the body’s metabolism more efficient. For weight loss supplement, 2-3 cups of green tea a day would be sufficient. Try these methods and surely you will achieve your body goals.

Good luck to you!

Source by Jaishree Nenwani

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