If you want to finally lose weight, never buy a diet unless it is based on MIP!

Do you want to stop this carousel of dieting, losing a few pounds, regaining the weight, and being disappointed again? Well, it all comes down to choosing the right diet. And the right diet is one that is based on 3 key things that I like to call MIPs. To learn more, keep reading.

first things first. How To Avoid Struggling To Lose Weight

The first thing I strongly recommend you to note is that nothing will ever work and be permanent if it is not 100% natural. This is something I had to learn the hard way! For so long I kept buying fad diet programs, diet pills, stupid exercise machines that broke after 2 weeks of spending a fortune on them, and so much more!

Losing weight naturally is the only way. And that’s because it’s guaranteed to work, it’s guaranteed to keep you motivated, and it’s guaranteed to give you lasting results.

Now, with that…

If you want amazing results with a diet, make sure it is based on MIP –

M – Motivator – The program you go to should be motivational. And that’s because unless you have some incredible willpower, it will take motivation to start, continue, and finish a weight loss plan. A fad diet is a surefire way to lose motivation because you have to restrict calories, restrict nutrients, and basically cause your body to go into rebellion! This means you’ll feel tired, bloated, weak, have headaches, stomach problems, and more! That certainly won’t keep you motivated, now will it?

A motivational diet is one that is easy to learn, fun to follow, 100% natural, and brings quick and consistent results. For example, the diet I went on was based on an interesting metabolism-boosting technique called “calorie illusion.” This technique is based on switching around patterns of eating foods in a very specific way by causing your body’s fat burning hormones and metabolism to skyrocket. The foods I ate were real foods, there were delicious options for me to choose from, and there were no shortages! Because of that, I found the program fun (especially with the diet generator software that came with the diet), very simple to follow, and as far as quick and consistent results are concerned, I lost 52 pounds in 8 weeks!

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I – Adopts a complete healthy lifestyle – One of the biggest problems with most programs out there today is that they are just based on their fad diets. What’s missing is that there are a whole lot of other things you have to do that make up a “healthy lifestyle” to get the body you want.

An overall healthy lifestyle includes getting at least 7-8 hours of rest every night, drinking plenty of fresh water (buy a water filter and save money), and of course, doing both cardio and resistance training. What you eat is the most important part, but unless you address the other parts, your results will mean little.

P – proper nutrition – As I mentioned just a second ago, what you eat is the most important part of losing weight, burning fat, and even building muscle. Unfortunately, many diet programs out here didn’t get the memo! Instead, they are based around diet gimmicks only to pique their curiosity to try their diet (like eating boatloads of bananas everyday or drinking nothing but some “special” lemonade… And that’s it, or eat some “special” cookies)! This in turn causes you to go on the program, lose motivation, get side-effects and then to make matters worse… you don’t lose any significant weight. We do!

Proper nutrition means eating all the important and healthy nutrients, getting those nutrients from healthy food sources, never skipping breakfast, never eating late at night, never starving or depriving yourself To do this, eat smaller portions more often throughout the day (like 4-6 meals instead of 2-3), and eat in a way that skyrockets your metabolism.

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Bottom line, a diet based on MIP is one that will give you the results you’re not hoping for…but dreaming of! In other words, you don’t just lose a few pounds, you reduce the amount of weight you want to lose, you burn fat from those trouble areas, you increase your energy levels, and you improve your overall health. Improve health!

Source by Avy Barnes

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