Two Big Mistakes Women Make When Trying to Lose Weight

There is no dearth of information floating around the internet when it comes to losing weight.

And while some of the information is really cool, a good portion of it doesn’t stack up. Especially when it comes to female fat loss and nutrition.

With that being said, there are two biggest mistakes women make when trying to lose weight.

Mistake #1 – Drastic Reduction in Calories

Women often think that they need to eat 1000 calories or less a day to lose weight.

To do this they cut down on carbs, eliminate fat from their diet, and swear off foods like grains and dairy.

Is it familiar?

Yes, if you reduce calories so fast, you will lose weight.

But the weight loss will not last long.

After a few weeks you’ll hit a wall and your results will suddenly level off.

This is because you are not giving your body enough food to survive.

Yes, to lose weight you need to reduce your calorie intake.

But you don’t need to do it in such a drastic way.

You can actually eat a lot more than you think and still lose weight.

Track everything you eat for the next week. You can use either Notepad or MyFitnessPal.

This will give you an idea of ​​where you are starting.

Next week, reduce your caloric intake by only 300 calories. This will start reducing your weight and you will start losing weight.

And the best part is, you don’t have to starve yourself or give up your favorite foods.

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Mistake #2 – Doing Too Much Cardio

Women go to the gym and spend hours on the treadmill. The idea is that the more cardio they do, the more calories they burn.

And the more calories they burn, the more fat they lose.

Doing cardio for countless hours will result in weight loss in the beginning.

But once again, that weight loss won’t last long.

Worse yet, you’ll start to lose muscle. Once that happens, you have no definition and no shape.

You’ll end up looking skinny and drawn rather than lean and sexy than you really are.

So chop it up with all you cardio ladies out there.

Instead you should lift weights and do HIIT training.

The best thing about HIIT training is that it is short but extremely effective.

With this type of training, you can get a great workout in just 10 minutes. And trust me, you will be burning massive amounts of calories and sweating like never before.

Source by Monica Munday

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