Medifast for men and women – different plans

What makes the Medifast weight loss program so different from other programs is that they have Medifast for men and Medifast for women. The reason this is such a big deal is that men and women react differently to diets because their bodies are different. Men need more calories than women, so you must follow different plans. Do you see how it can create a problem if a woman follows a diet plan made for a man? Even while dieting, she might be taking in more calories than required.

Using different weight loss plans for men and women will make all the difference. Although it is true that all men are not the same, but they are more similar than women. This makes Medifast for men more likely to work if they follow a normal weight loss plan. Men who follow this plan don’t feel like they are starving themselves. This is because they are not following a plan that was designed keeping in mind the nutritional needs of a woman. This program actually has a high fullness index, which means that people will feel fuller on this program than on other diet programs.

The Medifast program for women differs from the men’s program for a few reasons, primarily portion sizes. While there isn’t much of a difference, females tend to have slightly smaller meals for obvious reasons. Women do not require as many nutrients and calories as men. The best thing about the women’s plan that you won’t find anywhere else is the teaching. Medifast really teaches you how to control your weight and keep it off by controlling your portion sizes. There are also shakes that are specifically designed for women, including a line that may help ease the symptoms of menopause.

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Just because you might be married to the opposite sex doesn’t mean you have to use the same diet plan. This is why there is Medifast for men and Medifast for women. You can both enjoy the same programs, only programs that are designed for each of you. You’re more likely to stick with a program when it’s one that’s designed for you as a man or woman. It would also be more likely that this program would work better than others that were more common than Medifast.

Source by Maor Bolokan

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