Healthy Cookware 101: Do We Know Everything About Cookware? think again

What wouldn’t we know about cookware, right? Those are the utensils we use every day…that’s where we go wrong. Sometimes the most important things are right in front of us and yet we choose to ignore their impact on our lives — cookware is one of those things. To cook healthy meals, choosing the right cookware is just as important as choosing the right ingredients. In the present scenario in the market it becomes difficult to make the right choice as manufacturers are more profit-oriented than ever and they sell only what can earn them maximum profit.

You might be choosing the right ingredients that are rich in nutrients and are healthy, but by choosing the wrong utensils, you are not only reducing those nutrients but also making your food toxic. Research shows that all metals are reactive (this is their innate property) and food contains nutrients in the form of oxygen, hydrogen halogens, acids and bases. They are reactive to the metal ions that are released from conventional metal/ceramic cookware during cooking. Don’t believe me, do the simple alkaline baking soda test at home, it’s an eye opener:

Alkaline Baking Soda Test for Checking Cookware Toxicity

  1. Boil 2-3 cups of water in a vessel, when the water starts boiling, put 2 spoons of baking soda in it and boil it for 5 more minutes. Switch off the stove.

  2. Wait until it’s cool enough to taste, then taste the water (take a sip). If you taste metals, this is what you’re eating! If the water has a rubber/paint taste then it’s chemicals from the enamel/glaze.

As a control, mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda in 1 glass of water and take a sip – you’ll only taste the baking soda. Truly non-toxic cookware won’t leach anything into food.

If your cookware fails this test, it simply means that it is leaching toxins into your food. These toxins are ingested with food and accumulate over time in tissues and organs, where they become the foundation for serious health problems. Also, the immune system responsible for fighting diseases is compromised. In short, all the vital functions of the body are badly affected resulting in health problems ranging from minor ailments to serious ones that appear out of nowhere.

If you are concerned about the health of your family, then it is the right time to start looking for really healthy cookware that does not play havoc with the health of your food while cooking. I found this useful when I was in this situation and looking for really healthy cookware Article It really discussed the need for non-toxic cooking pots and pans, thankfully, and it changed the way I cook for good.

I came across this 100% safe and healthy material that is naturally non-reactive and non-toxic – Pure-Clay. When I tested baking soda on a pure clay pot, I experienced the difference for myself. Unlike traditional cookware, they are free of metals and chemicals because they are not coated with toxic glazes or enamels. They are truly natural even after going through the manufacturing process.

Learn about them today and try them out to know what a boon they are for your health!

Source by Sharon Ray

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