Learn how to lose weight in the story – 2-3 simple and effective tips to look fit and sexy in sports

Want to make your character sexy and hot in Fable 2? Looking for an easy answer to lose weight in Fable 2? Want to apply these rules to get a slim and attractive figure in real life? With 3 simple steps in the game Fable 2 it is possible to lose weight and get a good looking character with a dream body-line. Let’s learn these easy tips to lose weight and become a winner in sports.

Tip # 1 – Eat plenty of celery

You can start by just eating celery which will give you a great result of – 5% fat. Celery is widely available in many markets in Albion. So losing weight through ajwain is very easy as it actively reduces body fat and is easily achieved. If you sleep for the next few hours after eating celery, you will get quick results.

Tip #2 – Run Around

Running around is one of the best answers when the question is how to lose weight in Fable 2 and this is because running will burn your extra calories and fat. Another advantage of running around instead of teleporting all the time is that you’ll gain experience along the way. Thus you can easily get a character in the virtual world of the game, who has got toned and sexy body.

Tip #3 – Add Skill Levels

Adding a skill level to your character profile will make your avatar appear taller and slimmer. Although this is not actually due to weight loss the character will look slimmer and sexier with higher skill levels. The more you increase your skill level; In Fable 2 your character will look more dashing and attractive.

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Source by Jason Woody

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