healthy ways to reduce belly fat

Are you looking for some healthy ways to reduce belly fat? Are you tired of spending money on supplements that don’t deliver the promised results? Well you are in luck because everything about reducing belly fat is healthy right from the foods you put in your body to the exercises you do.

First of all let’s talk about nutrition. Most of the food products on the market are actually unhealthy. Processed foods like cereals, salad dressings, snacks, drinks, vegetable oils, nacho sauce, bread and many more, even things that proclaim themselves as healthy options, are full of preservatives , and you eat additives that are not what nature intended. By eating things that nature meant for you to eat, you will start losing fat and not just belly fat but overall fat.

Your nutrition will be the foundation of your fat loss. Next we’ll start an exercise regimen. However, not all exercise is created equal. Most people instinctively choose to do cardio exercises such as running or walking, the elliptical or the stairmaster. They’re good for burning calories, no doubt about it. The longer and faster you run, the more calories you burn. However, you stop burning calories as soon as the workout is done.

By lifting weights, even though you may not be burning as many calories during the workout as you are while running, you will be burning more calories over a longer period of time. This is because the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn.

Source by Jim Conway

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