easiest diet to follow

The truth is that there is no diet or weight loss plan that is foolproof. The foods we eat in today’s fast, packaged world certainly aren’t optimal for our health or our figures, but they are foods we’ve become accustomed to eating, many of them unnatural. Chemicals happen, and the hard fact is that we are addicted to it. In the same way a smoker is addicted to nicotine or a drinker to alcohol.

It is not possible to change your eating habits overnight, and the chances of us being successful are extremely slim. Sadly, every time we fail it reinforces our belief that we are weak and incapable of sticking to a diet and losing weight.

Anyone who has successfully changed a bad habit will tell you that it didn’t happen overnight. First, we must realize that bad habits exist! Second, we have to make an achievable plan, and take things in small steps.

We will have setbacks and we will have bad days – we have to accept that this is just part of the process and not a flaw in our characters. Losing weight and achieving good health is not a race, it is a journey, a journey that we embark on every day until we reach our destination.

If we had spent our lives eating only single ingredient foods, we would not have become overweight and as a race we would not have suffered from many of the common diseases that plague us today. Countries that eat less processed foods, and stick to a one-ingredient diet, suffer much less from diabetes, cancer, and other life-threatening diseases that are common in the Western world.

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So what is a one ingredient meal?

Basically it is a meal made from foods that contain only one ingredient. Foods containing one ingredient usually do not have labels. Salmon, sardines, apples, potatoes, tomatoes, almonds, oranges, etc. are examples of one ingredient foods.

You can eat as many, more one-ingredient foods as you want at any meal. There’s no need to count calories, portion sizes or fat content.

If you doubt this to be true, just try it for three days and see how you feel! I can guarantee you will lose at least 4 lbs in three days.

Source by Deborah Green

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