Soul Food Recipes – Top 3 Questions on Cooking Healthy Soul Food Recipes

Soul food recipes continue to maintain popularity among consumers. The growing popularity is attributed to the Great Recession. Because the recipes have a reputation for sticking to the ribs or having staying power. For example, the average soul food meal stays with the average person for 2 to 3 hours longer than Chinese food. And it lasts an hour longer than the Italian meal, which came in second place in this University of California study.

These recipes have helped many African American families through some of the most difficult times in this nation’s history. Many medical professionals have questioned the health concerns of this traditional Southern dish. Why? Because of the high salt, fat and calorie content. But like most recipes that stand the test of time, it has adapted to the changing concerns of consumers.

Now healthy soul food is one of the fastest growing cuisines. Now you can find more restaurants, food manufacturers, and even recipe website publishers adapting to this new trend. Healthy growth continues by introducing more menu items with lower salt, fat and calorie content.

Here are the most viewed questions for the month of August 2010. Many of the questions reflect the health concerns that more consumers have regarding their diet.

1. What’s the Best Substitute for Using Fatback and Ham Hocks?

Fat back and ham hock used to be staples for seasoning soul food dishes. For example, collard greens, black eyed peas, pinto beans, and other Southern vegetable dishes. But because of its high content of fat, calories and sodium, many people have turned to smoked turkey neck as a healthier alternative. Smoked turkey neck has a low fat and sodium content, as well as the benefit of imparting a smoky, savory flavor to the food.

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2. I have to cut down on deep fried foods due to health concerns. What is a healthier alternative to fried foods?

The healthier alternative to deep frying is called oven frying, it is one of the fastest growing cooking techniques because of the health benefits of deep frying. It has many benefits, especially for those who have heart problems, weight problems and who want to avoid them.

Done properly, oven frying can give you the same flavor benefits as deep frying. For example, delicious – crunchy texture, without health hazards. Now you will find more people enjoying oven fried chicken, french fries, onion rings, shrimp and all other popular foods.

3. I love soul food desserts. But I need to cut back on the sugar, what’s the best sugar substitute that doesn’t taste like motor oil?

One of the best alternatives to white sugar that you can use in desserts is agave nectar or agave syrup. It has lesser health concerns as compared to sugar. It is about 31% sweeter than sugar, so you can use less. It’s excellent in cookies, pies, cobblers, and anywhere else you’d normally use white sugar.

Another benefit of using agave is its little or no effect on blood sugar or insulin levels, making it an excellent health alternative to granulated sugar. You can often find agave in the health food section of most supermarkets or at health food stores, and also online. You can also find many healthy cooking tips for free. soul food recipes websites.

Source by Roy Primm

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