Paleo Diet – Rediscover Your Ancestors

Paleo diet can be defined as the natural food that was being used by the ancient people during the Paleolithic era. It is also called Paleolithic diet, Caveman diet and Stone-Age diet. The cave dwellers obtained food by hunting animals and gathering fruits, nuts, vegetables etc. They were also strong enough to fight animals. Processed foods and refined food gained popularity due to industrialization, and the agricultural revolution increased the contribution of carbohydrates, reducing the amount of protein in the human diet. here i want to ask one thing

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if he has not eaten well.” Is it true?

Yes, with paleo diet one can sleep well, lose weight, become healthy and strong and lead a peaceful life. This is because this type of diet includes foods that have high nutritional value and low toxic content.

Paleo diet is low in foods like grains (wheat, rice, cookies, corn, oats etc.), processed foods (dried smoked fish and meat, bacon, canned meat and fish etc.), candy, baked goods, sugar and chocolate, dairy is against. products (milk, butter, cheese, ice cream, etc.), beans, lentils, peanuts, etc.

Paleo diet includes meat (goat, cow, chicken, duck, etc.), seafood (salmon, cod, shellfish, etc.), green leafy vegetables, fruits (mango, banana, apple, etc.), almonds, soybean oil, olive oil, etc. Food items included. etc

If you are looking for a diet that makes you healthy, strong and allergy free then this is the right diet that meets your criteria. Let me tell you the scientific reasons that support the Paleo diet.

  खजूर के अनगिनत फायदे कर देंगे आपको हैरान, कई बीमारियों में है रामबाण

In general language we can divide fat into two parts. One type of fat is bad fat (saturated fat) and the other type is good fat (unsaturated fat). Saturated fats are found in animal products such as butter, cheese, lard and fatty meats, and in some vegetable oils such as coconut and palm oil. Unsaturated fats are found in salmon, tuna and sardines and in oils such as corn oil, safflower oil and soybean oil, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and pecans, canola oil and olive oil. The Paleo diet is against bad fats, instead including only foods with good fats.

Studies have shown that unsaturated fats are heart-healthy and if you want to stay away from degenerative diseases including deadly cancer, then you should start your Paleo diet-eating plan now.

Adopting this type of diet is not that easy. Get started making Paleo recipes and buying Paleo food. Eat paleo foods twice a week in the initial stages. Then gradually increase the number of days. Eat whatever you want once a week. Lastly avoid all other foods completely except Paleo foods. Read some inspirational books to get inspired. Get tips from people who follow the Paleo lifestyle. Don’t give up for at least a month. If you get the result then no one can stop you. There are many books like Paleo Recipe Book, Paleo Diet Book etc. from which you can make a variety of recipes and enjoy the Paleo lifestyle.

“You are what you eat – and perhaps surprisingly, you are also what your ancestors ate”… If you start following a Paleo lifestyle, you can pass on better health to your future generations as well. Can give more power.

  Depressive patients should stop eating junk food, it has a bad effect on your brain.

Source by Vijaya Sreenivasa Rao Darsi

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