Diet Pills and Oprah

Over the weekend, on one of those debate shows, a group of three opined about Oprah’s influence on Americans. The manufacturers, advertisers and web site designers of practically every hoodia gordonii diet pill on the market mention the Hoodia/Oprah connection.

Why does America value Oprah’s opinion so much? Books mentioned by Oprah become best sellers. Products mentioned by Oprah disappear from shelves. The Oprah Hooda connection is no exception. Hoodia gordonii is a wonderful plant, appears to be a powerful appetite suppressant and is helping people lose weight, but why the American public believes it when they hear it from Oprah is an interesting question.

The Hoodia Oprah connection was made in July 2005, when “O” magazine mentioned Hoodia Gordoni in an article titled “Diet Pills, The Next Generation”. Hoodia is world famous today because of Oprah Winfrey and reporters from 60 Minutes and BBC. Not many people have anything bad to say about Hoodia Gordoni. There are precautions regarding buying authentic or genuine hoodia. There are concerns about the completion of clinical research, but people who listen to Oprah don’t care.

There are rumors about the “Oprah Hoodia” diet pill. There doesn’t seem to be such a product. People have said that Oprah herself is using hoodia. This also does not seem to be true. For as long as the American public can remember, Oprah has had ongoing problems with her weight. At first she’s really overweight, and then she slims down. She appears to be on that see-saw or roller coaster that many Americans face when it comes to controlling their weight. Many of us have lost the same 10 or 20 pounds over and over again throughout our lives. There is nothing surprising in the fact that we are constantly on the lookout for a miracle weight loss pill. Oprah may be right about Hoodia. The research so far and customer testimonials indicate that Hoodia works for many people. Like any product, it doesn’t work for everyone, but most people who comment about being dissatisfied with the results find satisfactory results with another product.

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The Oprah Hoodia article has not endorsed or recommended any products currently on the market. It was a general article, as were television reports about hoodia’s effectiveness as an appetite suppressant. It’s doubtful that any of the reporters or writers investigating Hoodia Gordoni would have imagined that her comments would prove to be the basis for a nationwide advertising campaign, but at least they gave hope to overweight people everywhere.

Source by Patsy Hamilton

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