Carbonated beverages will be restricted in the Candida diet.

A friend of mine read online a while ago about cutting out carbonated beverages in a candida diet. She loves Perrier and Diet Rite Peach Melba drinks (sweetened with Splenda). She only has one diet ritual per day, but if she has Perrier she often drinks 2 25oz bottles of Perrier a day. She wonders why carbonated beverages are not allowed.

I know I have different reactions to sugar vs carbonation. It seems that the carbonation makes it all the way through my system resulting in little pockets of air when I use the bathroom. Unlike sugar which causes typical candida problems with me.

I’m trying to be as strict as possible on my diet, but at least for the first month I’m allowing diet soda and sweetened and less for my grapefruit and herbal teas. I know it kills but I just need some to satisfy my sugar craving or else I know I won’t be able to succeed! I have a book about the candida diet written by a nutritionist who initially chewed sugarless gum for the same reason. I mean, we’re only human and able to distance ourselves from stuff when the time comes. I plan to go from diet soda to Perrier and then no matter what they say. It can’t be that terrible.

Occasionally, I break out and drink a “Spritzer” by “RW Knudsen.” It doesn’t affect me like typical soda. It contains sparkling water, concentrated fruit juice and “natural flavorings”. But, as I recently learned, anything can have that natural flavor.

I also wanted to point out that whether Splenda is made from sugar that they process. I’m not sure Splenda is good for candida either considering that’s exactly what it is. Try this for fizzy drinks: sparkling mineral water, unsweetened cranberry juice, and stevia if you want to sweeten it. It’s rather tart but refreshing!

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Source by Angie Lindsey

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