reverse engineering sumo wrestling to lose weight

Sumo Wrestling Diet – Many have already heard about this sport and its place of origin. If you’re familiar with it, then you already know that participants in this sport intentionally put on weight for their own benefit. Traditional wrestling that originated from the land of the rising sun, sumo wrestling. Big and heavy is the key to win in this game.

Following are some basic dietary discipline for sumo wrestlers:

*No breakfast – After a night’s rest the body needs foods for proper metabolism, but sumo wrestlers deliberately skip breakfast.

* Exercise on an empty stomach – The human body lowers the metabolic thermostat to conserve energy. This is commonly called “starvation mode”, we’ll get to that later, I want you to get the full scope of the process.

*Sleep after eating – The biggest secret of sumo wrestlers to gain weight in the shortest possible time is to sleep immediately after a heavy meal.

* Throat – Eating two to three times a day.

* Repetitive diets – same variety of foods with an emphasis on fat and protein.

* Eating just before resting – Sleeping with a full stomach leads to a massive spike in carbohydrates and insulin which the body converts into fat instead of helping build muscle.

Have dinner with someone. According to recent studies, people tend to eat more than their normal meals when eating with others. Note that more people means more mouths to feed. Now if you have friends who eat unhealthy diets then make sure to stay focused on your goal. They will definitely do you more harm than good.

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Source by Owe Eng

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