While I was searching for the best way to get rid of my chunky midsection, I noticed that nutrition “experts” disagree about what the best foods are to help burn away fat, as well as overall health. Receive.
I’m here to tell you that the most important lesson I’ve learned from my experience is that I don’t need to conform to any “fad diet”…the low-carbs here, the low-fat kind there. Of thoughts I’ve always had ripped six pack abs, they were just hidden under a layer of stubborn, fat body fat… no more! I find that balance is the key to my success, along with a diet of unprocessed, nutrition-based foods. Let’s face facts here; It is the heavy processing of today’s foods that clutters our system.
Ok, here it is… following is what the experts told me to do, which I followed with great success:
1) Getting enough good protein in your diet is a good thing. Not only do you stay satisfied longer without knocking over the candy store, but it’s an important step in building and maintaining lean muscle. It is said that the amount of lean muscle you carry is one of the main factors in controlling your metabolism.
2) Fiber is next on the list. Fruits, vegetables and grains are good sources of fiber. Try to avoid refined sugars and refined grains, this is one of the pleasures I had to cut out of my routine, and one of the reasons many people struggle with body fat. Like protein, fiber also helps to fill your stomach.
3) This is next, don’t cut fat out of your diet completely… little did I know, it can affect your hormone levels in a negative way, as well as cause cravings. Try to “eat enough healthy fats” per day, say experts. Once I knew what they were talking about, I was happy to follow. Some great foods I love that have the fat experts are talking about: avocados (great on a grilled chicken sandwich), olive oil (when cooking), nuts (one of my favorite snacks) and eggs ( Perfect start) day).
4) There are two things that I learned which were a bit tough to follow, but I had set a goal for myself, and I was ready to follow it till the end. Many processed foods taste good, but they contain crap for you.
– High fructose corn syrup: In most sweetened products.
– Artificial Trans Fats: Margarine, shortening and hydrogenated oils that have made their way into most of the processed foods we eat today.
I learned that if I followed these 4 guidelines, I too could reduce that stubborn belly fat that made me hesitate to take off my shirt in public. There is much more to share with you, but old age has taken a toll on my memory. I want to share with you where I found my information on nutrition, and in turn, my weight loss that covered my six pack.
Source by John Engle