A Diet Primer for Health Food and Vitamins

Often, we want to eat healthy but don’t know how to start. Sometimes a food that you think might be good might not actually be right for you, and vice versa. This article takes a look at some simple dietary changes you can start making right away that will improve your overall health.

whole wheat products

One of the simplest changes you can make is to start eating more whole grains instead of foods made with white processed flour. Why is this? The whole grain variety retains more nutrients and breaks down much more slowly in your body. This avoids a sudden rise in your blood sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes in the long run.

heart healthy foods

Heart disease is one of the biggest health problems we face. Often caused by blood clots in your arteries, this can be reduced by eating some of the right foods. Try eating oatmeal, blueberries, and soy products like tofu. A daily glass of red wine or some dark chocolate has also been found to be good for your heart.

drink more water

We are often told that we should drink 8 glasses of water every day, but how many of us actually do this? Drinking water is a great way to help you lose weight. Water helps in metabolizing the fat stored in the body. Water is also great for your skin – it helps keep it looking clear and healthy. Start drinking more water today!

eat more vegetables

Common vegetables like carrots, broccoli and spinach contain carotenoids, which are believed to protect against cancer. Vegetables in general provide excellent health food and vitamins needed for your well-being. A simple way to increase your intake is to have more than one serving of vegetables with your meals.

Fruits are fine!

  10 High Protein Foods To Include In Your Everyday Diet

Like vegetables, fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and other nutrients. Eating fruits can help you lose weight and also prevent disease. Apples, bananas and melons are especially good for you. Try including some of these fruits at mealtimes. Bananas go well with your cereal in the morning, and fruit in general can make a great dessert at the end of your meal.

fish is good for you

Omega-3 fats are found in cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines. These fats are essential but they cannot be produced by the body, and must be obtained from foods. Fish is also a good source of protein with low calories and saturated fat. Try a tuna sandwich the next time you have lunch!

give up meat

Red meat like beef is very popular in many of our diets, and it is high in protein and essential amino acids. However it can contain a lot of saturated fat. That doesn’t mean we have to give up this summertime BBQ favorite. Just look for lean cuts and stay away from fatty cuts like rib-eye.

There is much more we could say on the subject of health food and vitamins. But following these simple tips will set you on your way to a healthier diet. The many benefits you’ll see from increasing your intake of healthy foods and vitamins include weight control, more energy, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Source by Deborah Prosser

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