Accelerate Your Weight Loss With Calorie Shifting

Calorie shifting is a way to keep your metabolism high during your diet so that you can speed up your fat loss. The problem with low calorie, low carbohydrate and low fat diets is that they give you a false sense that they are working but what is really happening is that your metabolism is slowing down with each passing day and a day you find that your weight loss has stopped. This article explains how calorie shifting avoids this problem and makes your body burn fat faster.

Your metabolism is what will determine whether you continue to lose weight on the diet. When you continually restrict your diet in any way, you slow down your metabolism. This is because your body adapts to the new reduced intake and works to balance the body’s needs. This often leads to a weight loss plateau and is one of the major reasons that restrictive diets don’t work.

How Calorie Shifting Helps Your Body Burn Fat?

Calorie shifting is easy to do and involves shifting between a low-calorie diet and a high-calorie diet over a short period of time. Research has found that your body only needs a few days before it adapts to a dietary change, so calorie shifting tends to follow a pattern that stays one step ahead of your body’s ability to adapt and Thus boosting your metabolism every few days.

For example, if you naturally eat a diet of 2,500 calories a day, your body has become accustomed to that amount and your metabolism can handle those calories. If you go on a low-calorie diet and reduce your calorie intake by up to 1,000 calories a day, your body will initially respond by losing weight, but soon (often within a few weeks) this reduced intake and your weight will return. Your metabolism will slow down to make up for it. Losses will stop.

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This also explains why it is so difficult to keep the weight off. If you lost weight due to a restrictive diet, your metabolism did as you lost weight, so when you stop dieting you’ve damaged your metabolism to the point that Any small increase in calories will result in all the weight coming back. , This damage to metabolism is not caused by calorie shifting diets.

Calorie shifting keeps your metabolism high when you’re losing weight, so you’ll still have a strong fat-burning metabolism when you reach your goal weight, making it easier to keep the weight off.

If you’ve tried dieting but got frustrated because your weight loss was too slow, you’ll benefit from calorie shifting. You can do this on your own by following a low-calorie diet for a few days and then switching to a high-calorie diet for a few days and monitoring your progress. But if this is too much guesswork for you then you may want to follow a calorie shifting guide that has been proven effective.

Source by Ron Archer

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