Acne and Your Blood Type Diet

Learning more about acne and the blood type diet

Did you know that Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s revolutionary Blood Type Diet (also known as the Genotype Diet) is being tried by a huge number of acne sufferers? The idea behind this naturopathic treatment for acne is based on several sensible reasons.

The first is that the ancients knew everything about diet, which would keep their bodies fit and healthy. This means that they all knew about the proper dietary regime that would not only detoxify the body, but also keep the physiological functions of the body functioning perfectly.

What is the blood type diet?

According to Dr. Adamo, who has been following the diet and nutritional methods used by seasoned dieticians down the ages – the adage “we are what we eat” is as relevant today as it was millennia ago .

Humans have been changing their diet for centuries according to the conditions and availability of food. 20,000 years ago humans started farming instead of being hunters. This is why these farmers began to eat a diet that was rich in grains, fruits, and vegetables, whereas their hunter-gatherer ancestors focused more on meat, fish, and a high-protein diet.

These hunters were believed to be of “O” blood group while the farmers were reportedly of A blood group. They thrived on a vegetarian diet.

Another blood group was developing in Asia and Africa where people were farmers and their diets included large amounts of dairy products. This blood group was ‘B’. People with this blood group tolerate dairy products more easily than people with other blood groups.

How does your diet and your blood type affect your health?

Now imagine that a type “O.” You belong to the high protein meat eater dietary profile. Your body will tolerate legumes, grains, and beans only in small amounts. So if you find yourself on a vegan diet, your body will react negatively. This reaction is caused by certain proteins found in your food.

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These proteins are called lectins. Your genetic makeup as an O blood type means that these lectins will only keep you healthy if you eat a lot of meat. The moment you start eating a vegetarian diet and cutting out meat, lectins are going to have a negative effect on your blood, on a specific organ in your body, or on your general system.

However, you don’t need to worry about these lectures being too dangerous; The body’s natural immune system is able to protect your body from their potentially harmful agglutination effect on your blood cells. 98% of these lectins are removed from your body during its natural elimination processes.

Still, your diet is going to affect your health. Due to which your skin is going to have the opposite effect. This is the reason why you can see pimples breaking out on your skin.

How does your blood type affect an acne outbreak?

Each blood type has a number of foods that are helpful, beneficial and medicinal to it. These are foods that are best suited to a person’s genetic inheritance and that are best tolerated by his or her body. On the other hand, there are many foods that definitely harm a person’s body depending on their blood type.

In addition, each blood type has a tolerance level for many foods, which have a neutral effect on the blood type.

Now just imagine that you are a type A with a vegetarian and seafood genetic heritage. You thrive on grains, legumes, seafood, vegetables and fruits. Meat, wheat and dairy products are not beneficial for you. Now, let’s say you find yourself eating a diet that contains a lot of meat.

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This is going to adversely affect the bio-physiological processes of your body. You may find yourself suffering a lot from acne. Hence you need to cleanse your system by switching to a diet of fruits and vegetables as well as increasing the amount of grains and legumes in your daily diet.

A type B is omnivorous and can eat meat without any chicken, beans, grains, fruits and vegetables, which are curative and beneficial foods. However, if they start eating a diet rich in seeds, chicken, tomatoes and shellfish, they find themselves suffering from ill health. They are going to find themselves suffering from possible acne outbreaks.

So if you are suffering from acne then it is a good idea to find out your blood type. After that, start eating foods that best suit your genetic makeup and heritage. It’s going to keep you healthy. It is also going to give you a glowing skin free from acne, blackheads, whiteheads and pimples.

Blood Type and Diet – Logical Acne Control Tips

Many people are skeptical about Dr. D’Adamo’s ideas about blood type and your diet because there is no scientific evidence to back it up. However, let us go back to ancient natural diet and common sense, and understand the basic factors that can improve your acne condition.

Lots of fruits and vegetables are always good for everyone, regardless of blood type. Meat products are good for giving you the protein that is needed to keep you in a high energy state. The same protein can also be obtained from lentils and beans.

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Dr. D’Adamo’s diet plan and principle of not eating so many foods made from wheat is also based on simple logic. Wheat and corn contain gluten. Gluten sticks to the lining of the intestines and thus prevents your digestive system from functioning fully. So what do you do in such situations? Avoid bread and noodles made from items with a high gluten composition.

Here are some tips that may be helpful to control your acne outbreaks.

Don’t interfere with your acne outbreak by touching the infected area. This is going to spread the infection to other parts of your body. Instead, wash it with a mild antiseptic soap. Try this idea of ​​washing it with glycerin soap and a little bit of simple sugar. It “dries” out the skin and absorbs oil.

Try a vegetarian diet with more fruits and vegetables instead of meat and fish. Meat takes longer to digest. This means that it is going to produce toxins in your stomach. These toxins are going to have a harmful effect on your skin. So you may find yourself suffering from a possible acne outbreak. Prevention is always better than cure. Then the cure is in your hands!

Hopefully, this information will be useful in helping you to control, prevent and cure your acne problem.

Source by Eva W Troka

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