Are any types of candy allowed on the Medifast diet?

I sometimes hear from people who are wondering if they’ll be able to eat a very specific comfort food while on the Medifast diet. Sometimes, they are almost certain that their desired food is not going to be acceptable. One such example is candy.

I can hear one comment: “I know the answer is probably no, but are you allowed to eat candy on Medifast? I have a huge weakness for candy. I don’t eat tons – just a coupe of little pieces.” per day — and I don’t want to give it up, although I realize that my love for candy is probably one thing contributing to my need to be on the diet in the first place.”

You can have a very specific type of candy and still not be cheating. Medifast allows you to eat five of their prepackaged meals per day, plus one meal you make yourself. In addition, you are allowed to have one snack each day that includes three pieces of celery, sugar-free popsicle, sugar-free gelatin, pickle, or sugar-free gum or mints. (You can also grab one of Medifast crackers or chips. Cheese puffs, apple crisps, and vegetable crackers are examples.)

Now, by mints they are usually talking about peppermints or peppermint flavored peppermint candies. And I believe they encourage gum and mints because they know you’re less likely to cheat if you have a fresh taste in your mouth. Because when your mouth feels clean and fresh, you are less likely to want to eat and let that feeling get in the way. (This is why people who have a craving often brush their teeth when one hits.)

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I know some people expand the definition of mints to include sugar-free, hard candies. I’m not sure if this will be supported by the company (and for that reason I encourage you to call and ask them), but the practice hasn’t hurt their results. I also know people who occasionally have small snack-sized sugar-free chocolate candies. If you were to go this route, you’ll want to make sure you choose a very low-calorie option.

To be honest, many times people will even cheat about this diet. I know someone who allows himself a small piece of chocolate per day. In terms of compliance, this would not be ideal. But some people have this kind of willpower and make it work for themselves. And everyone else will go out and have a full-size candy bar or other treat on occasion. I don’t think it’s the end of the world as long as you get back on the diet as soon as possible. That’s what I usually want to do.

But to answer the question as asked, you can have three sugar free mints per day and still be in full compliance. And you don’t have to replace it with one of your six meals. It’s on top of those meals.

Source by Lindsey Price

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