Are eggs considered a healthy food? Find out the truth!

A few years ago, eggs were thought to be the culprit in producing artery-clogging cholesterol in the blood (all cholesterol is in egg yolks). But in recent years, the School of Public Health at Harvard University tracked more than 100,000 nurses over about 10 to 12 years and found a significant increase in heart disease risk for anyone who ate 1 egg or more than 1 egg a week. No difference found. A Day.

Recent studies have shown that eating 2 eggs can actually improve your lipid profile. (Cholesterol is also known as a lipid, a fatty substance produced by the liver and also found in highly saturated fatty foods.) In addition, regular intake can reduce the risk of blood clots, heart attacks, and even Can help prevent stroke. In another study, women who ate 6 eggs per week reduced their risk of breast cancer by 44%.

Egg is a healthy food because of the nutrients it contains. 1 large egg is about 70 calories – which is about 10% of the B vitamins including iron, minerals, protein, and folic acid recommended for pregnant women. Just one egg contains all nine essential amino acids and about 6 grams of high-quality protein. They are also a very important source of the carotenoids-lutein and zeaxanthin (for eye health).

Research has also shown that people who eat eggs daily have a lower risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts. Eggs also contain choline – a nutrient that nearly 90% of pregnant and lactating American women don’t get enough of. Choline is essential for memory and brain development in the fetus. One egg yolk contains about 120 mg of choline. Of the 5 grams of fat in an egg, only 1.5 grams is saturated fat. Eggs are one of the few foods that naturally produce vitamin D.

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They also contain sulfur which promotes healthy hair and nails. People who usually have eggs for breakfast also take a healthy diet. Eggs contain protein and fat – both of which increase your feeling of fullness. Overweight people seem to be more satisfied with a breakfast that may consist of doughnuts, rolls or bagels.

Nutritionists have determined that people who do not consume excess amounts of fat can eat one or two eggs per day without any measurable changes in their blood cholesterol levels. It is the saturated fat in your diet that will affect your blood cholesterol levels, not dietary cholesterol. Long story short, eat a well-balanced diet – which should include eggs; And don’t forget to exercise.

Source by Samantha Cantrell

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